*** Res Publica Aeternus ***
Historical Weapons, Circa 280 087 ALSD
Republic Sabre: A long, slender sword that has been proudly used by generations of soldiers in the defense of the Republic. 40, 1d10, 5
Steeltek Blade: Masterfully crafted using secret Electran forging techniques, this sword holds an edge surpassed by none other in the known galaxy. 50, 2d8, 6
The Spherans have this racial weapon at this point in time.
Half-Lance: A long-hafted spear with a razor-sharp, armor-piercing tip, the half-lance can be truly be a deadly weapon in the hands of a trained wielder. 60, 3d6, 7
The following weapons exist, but have an additional +10 on their base to-hit difficulty: Blade-Hammer, Battle-Scythe, Hammer of Justice, Zeikfird Blade, Great Scimitar.
The following 'modern' weapons do not exist at all: Cyber-spear, Thunder Blade, Vitex Blade, Energy Lash
Deflection Rules: Weapons in this era are not as sturdy as those in the modern Spherusian age. They can still be used for 'Deflection' (see Special Weapon Moves rule sheet), but each time a deflection is successful, the weapon has a 20% chance of being shattered and thus rendered useless. Zirlithium weapons, of course, are not subject to this risk.
No modern firearms exist at this point in history. The following is a basic list of antiquated 'equivalents'. More firearms may be made available at a later point.
Note that there are no laser weapons during this era.
PK-33: A medium-sized handgun, considered standard issue for most police forces and military officers. Hit: 50, Dam: 1d12, Spd: 4, Cost: 100 Marks, Clip: 6/6, cost 5 marks, Ranges: 40, 80, 150.
PK-89: This powerful handgun packs such kick-back that it takes enormous strength simply to be able to control it. Hit: 70, Dam: 5d4, Spd: 6, Cost: 350 Marks, Clip: 8/8, Cost 30 marks, ranges: 60, 150, 250
RD-22 Rifle: A standard civilian hunting rifle and a public favorite. Hit: 60, Dam: 3d8, Spd: 6, Cost: 500 marks, Clip: 12/12, Cost: 30 marks, ranges: 90, 180, 500
Republic Standard Issue Rifle (SIR): A rifle used by the Electran military, crafted for more precision than the RD-22. Hit: 50, Dam: 3d8, Spd: 5, Cost: 700 marks, Clip: 12/12, Cost: 50 marks, ranges: 90, 180, 500
Autoblaster: A classic favorite, though not as reliable as models that would later emerge. Hit: 70, Dam: 6d6, Spd: 5, Cost: 1000 marks, Clip: 50/50, Cost: 100 marks, Ranges: 50, 150, 300
Launcher Weapons
Grenade Launcher: Lobs a mighty grenade at the advancing foe. Hit: 80, Dam: 4d10+10, Concussion dam: 3d10, Range: 5m, Spd: 10, Cost: 6000 marks, Clip: 1/1, Cost: 100 marks, Ranges: 80, 300, 800