All i know of so far is The main character from Final Fantasy 7...yes you all know him well. Cloud Strife.
1. Have Mustadio
3.Go to Lesalia Capital City and go to the bar. a Cinema scene will come with Ramza walking into the bar. You will hear the story of the Holy Dragon.When you leave a hunter named
5.Head for Nerubes Temple
6.Head back to Goug AGAIN and a scene will come up and the big yellow thing turns out to be a time machine of some sort. The stone reacts to it and Cloud coms from the yellow thing. He has flashbacks still and his head hurts. He then runs out and now you must find him.
7.Now you have to find Aeris
8.Materia Blade
Equip one of your party members with Move-Find item and get in a battle at the Volcano.Go to the top of the Volcano and the character will find the Materia Blade.This will allow Cloud to use limit breaks.
will ask to join your party LET HIM JOIN! Go to the Mining City and rescue Reis the Holy Dragon
. You will get the Aquarius Zodiac StoneWorker 8
.Worker 8 is very powerful and one of the greatest allies. After leaving Goug a scene will come up showing another device found in Goug which you cant do anything with that either so leave.