Ok, Shifting...

Shifting for vans is usually done with boosted shields. Below i will explain Basic Shifting, Advanced shifting, and Extreme Shifting.

Ok, Basic shifting is made to allow you to get maxium shields with minimum risk. I try to keep my shields equal, wherever i get shot I simply allocate (Q or E) and equalize (F for me, but some prefer a joysick, bottom line is you want to have the equalize key somewhere close because you will want to use it a lot.) So lets make up a scenario... Its a one on one in Project X, you shoot him he retaliates with a shot to your rear so your shields are 100/76 right? So allocate once to the rear (75/100) and press equalize(you will then be at 86/86 with both sides charging. This is great for team battles, especially with stealth. Keep your shields up as long as possible using this technique.

Ok, advanced shifting can be very complicated if you don't get the whole concept. The idea of this shift is the change armor for sheilds. Take some armor off and let your sheilds recharge, sounds good but in team fights its not smart. If someone sees your shields go down your toast. This technique should only be used in 1 on 1's and duels.
So, heres how you do it....
Shift normally (basic shifting) until your sheilds are at 30/30. Press equalize (F for me) and let your opponent hit your front. Your back shields should charge as your armor/crits are shot down. After about 2 or 3 seconds automaticly about 10 shields should come up in the front then they will be shot down. As soon as they are shot down count outloud to yourself "One, Two, Three" then allocate forward at least 2-3 times and continue the basic shift normally. If you've done it right you should have around 35 crits and 60 shields right before you alocate forward.
I haven't met a basic shifter that could beat this shift technique. That includes Platapie, Redcrow, and ph0e.

Ok, perhaps the best form of shifting, Extreme shifting. Only a few people know how to do this type and maybe I'll get one of them to explain it better. Well, i do it by starting out at 100/100. They hit you twice, your at 62/100, allocate up twice and press equalize (110/76 maybe) Let the guy hit your front shields maybe 5 times until your at 26/96 (approximately) then allocate all your shields to the back and press equalize. Count outloud "One, Two" before you get to three allocate up 3 times ( QQQ for me) and press equalize. Let your shields get shot down while the back charges. When your front sheilds disappear count out loud "One, Two" and before you get to three allocate all your shields up and do the "Basic" shift until all your shields are gone.

This shifting is a little diffrent, its been around a long time but it still works to the unexpected. Again, this should prolly only be used in duels but its just another trick to add to your arsonal.
What you wanna do is circle your opponent and let your back sheilds drop while the front charges, when you run low on armor/crits turn and face your opponent with a whole lot more shields.

NOTE: That shift includes two "Intervals" the previous shift was one "Interval." If you really want to walk on the wild side play around with this new shifting and see if you can get a third "Interval" its been done, but often difficult.
NOTE2: The extreme shift is EXTREMELY hard to do while moving it is suggested that you just back up and try to keep hitting your target.

You asked for it, you got it. Good luck with this information, but i stress DO NOT USE THIS IN OPEN/ADVANCED you will get rocked, owned, destroyed, pummeled, kicked, and smacked.

-Dan1215 1