Fryhtan's Strategies

Baiting Frythans:

You can kill Frythans from a lair one by one with a group of archers.  Have them wake up the Frythans and then quickly retreat until the Frythans turn back to their lair.  Then have the archers open fire on 2 or 3 Frythans (enough to handle easily) and these Frythans and only these Frythans will battle you. I'm not sure if you can empty a lair this way, but it's worth experience for your archers and gold, if you get an Ordo.

--Richard Wesson

One good strategy about ships is that you can attack and destroy a group of Fryhtans and their lair without ever setting foot on the shore, if the lair is close enough to the sea to attack with the Galleon.  You will need to have someone close by to collect the gold and the scroll :).

--Jay Tharp

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