Don Hogquarto, Public Relations and Quality Assurance head for Blizzard Studioes, officially announced the cancellation of Diablo II. When asked why, Hogquarto blamed it on the beta testers. He was quoted, "Those damn beta testers! THey whine too much! Why, Diablo II is the best game in the world. I just don't understand why the Board decided to cancel the project!" Hogquarto claimed that after all 1500 of the beta testers complained that game required "excessive clicking." Since the contracts for the beta testers states that they must finish the game, the beta testers were duty- bound and had to endure the minimum of 48888882039248123 mouse clicks to finish the game. Benjaming Fung, one of the beta testers stated, "I spent 5 hours, which was 49023333208 mouse clicks, just to kill Diablo! That's completely ridiculous." As a result of all these clicks, the beta testers came down the CTS, also known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a common hand deformation that results from excessive mouse usage. All 1500 beta testers sued Blizzard entertainment for a total of 5 million $ each for coverage of medical treatment, so that totals to a couple trillion bucks down the drain for Blizzard. The Board of Trustees and Blizzard decided that the Diablo II debacle had to be put to an end immediately, so the project was cancelled. Steve Ng and Niven Hsu were unavailable for comments, as hey were too busy Utoping. Jason was recorded as mumbling something along the lines of, "ur dead...." and Shinsho was quoted with "kusai." |