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Hollywood celebrities, directors and film producers all held their breath as the fateful day of November 12th approached. On this special day, the best movies of the century were to be decided. Those who star in the movies who appear on this list will inevitably skyrocket the famedom. Those who aren't will be ridiculed eternally. Without further ado, or anything else even close to ado, we present to u.....


#1 BURGERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY (starring WAHOO BURGER and some other guy.... Arnold Schwazzernrgerijasldjdlaskasd or something.....)

Summary of Movie: Wahoo Burger stars as hunky, ultra muscular robotic man who is sent back in time to rescue all the other hunky, ultra muscular man from being taken over by machines. Wahoo Burger's enemy in this movie is some liquidy guy who oozes right back together if u shoot him. However, Wahoo Burger's high impact muscular super punch disassembles the liquidy guy and Wahoo Burger saves the day again.

click here to see Wahoo Burger's high impact muscular super punch

# of Stars: (out of 3)










#2 The Wahootrix (starring WAHOO BURGER and Keanu Reeks, Laurence Fishy and Carrie Anne Moldy)

Summary of Movie: Wahoo Burger stars as super cool nighttime Hacker, under the alias Neoburger. In his attempt to find the famed, Wahoopheus, he stumbles upon the Wahootrix. As the "chosen one" assigned by the Oracle, Neoburger uses his high impact muscular super punch to fragmentize all the agents and saves the day again.

click here to see Wahoo Burger's high impact muscular super punch

# of Sword Fish (out of 4)










#3 Air Force Wahoo Burger (starring WAHOO BURGER and Hairyson Ford)

click here to see Wahoo Burger's high impact muscular super punch

# of Very Bearded Men (out of -50)


Summary of Movie: Wahoo Burger stars as President of the United States of Wahoo. While traveling to Taiwan (since they DO have DIPLOmATIC RECOGNITION IN THIS MOVIE, FROM EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, WHILE CHINA DOES NOT) in his private jet, Terrorists jump the plane. Despite being extremely old and unarmed at the start, he is able use his ultra high impact muscular super punch to vaporize all the terrorists and save the day again.


















#4 Saving Private Wahoo Burger (starring WAHOO BURGER and Tom Hankypanky)

click here to see Wahoo Burger's high impact muscular super punch

# of Metallic Cooking Utensils (out of three fourth)

Summary of Movie: Wahoo Burger stars as a private in the army for the Allies. After losing his two front teeth in the D-Day assault on Normandy Beach, Wahoo Burger blows his stack. He dodges 50000 bullets and plows through 50000 Panzer tanks and tackles Hitler smack in his kisser. Than he uses his high impact muscular super punch and saves the day again.
















#5 The Sixth Wahoo Burger (Starring WAHOO BURGER and Bruised Willis)

Summary of Movie: Wahoo Burger stars as the sixth burger....... sorry... no high impact muscular super punch in this one! asdsdadasdasasdksdasd


# of Weird lookin' thingies (out of 0.5)