This was far to funny not to put on the page...funniest most professional creator post I think I may have ever seen, course I'm not quite sure why he came to me with his school problems but hey.
Note #19 by Harlock posted at Wed Jul 1 08:27:45 1998
Title: 'Re:#2 significant'
**Naturian Mode On**
Ok, first...
Put the ego away mister. Someone who abuses bugs should not
and WILL not, go down in the books as 'one of the greatest'.
Oh yes Malius, lets make note of your little 'xp' mindlink
that connects to a hard to reach area (so we can be assured
that no one else can get to it the NPCs will more
than likely be there each and everytime one teleports there).
This area contains three NPCS that you kill (often) that give
you approximately 300K experience while you attain only 500hp
(on average) damage.
Now, seeing that you frequent (or used to, before I caught your
sorry cheating ass) this area probably everytime you were on,
I'd say quite a bit of your gained experience was a bit ill-gained.
Add to this the fact that you never reported this horrendously
under-balanced situation, and we've got ourselves a fraud.
Malius, you're a fake, a cheat and a sneak. A person with a
true sense of self-respect and self-worth would be honest
about their dealings. You have none, your ego is completely
unfounded. I know lower level players that have more integrity
than you and have earned their levels the hard way. If you
won't report this 'xp' mindlink situation, how many other
areas have you abused? Your entire career here is suspect.
You're not the greatest player to play're the greatest
cheater. Hardly something I'd want to boast to the rest of New
Moon...but, hey...if you want to have an ego cause you found a
loophole, be my guest little man.
So, it's all agreed....Malius is a cheat. Not only that, but
you can't construct a sentence using proper grammar or spelling.
How'd you get through school? I bet you cheated there too.
So Malius, laugh at my homepages all you want...because you see
in three years they'll be reading as follows:
'The Homepages of Doctor Thomas Ducey, PhD Microbiology/BioInformatics'
and you will still be a sorry ass, cheating, bad spelling, misplaced
egotistical sap here.
Have a nice day.
** Naturian Mode Off **
[Note 19] From 24 to 48 of 53 (90%) - h for help.
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