
Note: Has some idiot stuck you in frame hell?
Click here to break free and view this the way it was meant to be seen!!

Lynx users should probably use standard image handling. (Normally activated with the "*" key.)

Last tweaked: 06/26/2007

Welcome to whatever-this-is-at-the-time-you-read-it! :)

WARNING: Don't look here for anything up to date! This page was last given something resembling new stuff in late 2000 (yes, over SIX years ago!) But hey, perhaps something will be of use. :)

This page was designed as a secondary site for when my main site decided it was time to get beotchy and drop off the net for a while. However, that is well in the past, and this has gone so well that I am now sometimes using it as my experimental site, adding goodies to it that I wouldn't do with my main site, as well as being a safe spot to keep materials when all else fails. This main page is designed to be readable with -any- browser, just like my original pages. However, this new site will feature things which might not go as planned in some browsers...though I'll try to provide warnings and nice explanations where possible. Or I might just forget about it for months or years at a time again.

My most popular addition is my Favorite Programs stash, where I keep programs I use on my personal system, just in case I want quick and easy access to them without trying to find where in the world they are by means of ftp search hell. Of course, links to the last known home pages are included where possible, in case there is a newer revision to try...however, often these are older versions presented as my personal choices for stability. I will only update these if a newer revision shows itself to be worthy...and I don't put up with any crap, so this only happens in exceptional cases. As it should be!

And of course, the ever-popular (based on the constant mails I get) Bookmarks Page, my insanely HUGE list of links to just about anything I have ever gone to that looked even the slightest bit interesting enough to deserve slapping into my bookmarks. Or at least, it *was* here. I have kept it on my bookmarks page at my actual real site for quite some time and managed to completely forget to update the alternate copy here. So screw it, just go see the real thing. Speaking of which, check out my main page... You never know what I might put there...

I've got a Fun Net Toyz section that might start to accumulate lots of useful (or just plain fun) goodies. It right now features... surprise... absolutely NOTHING! I ditched the 7am News Ticker. Will I add anything else? Who knows, but... WARNING: This area may contain stuff that confuses less advanced browsers. But hey, it's only a bunch of neat toys... no critical information or anything like that.

E-mail should be sent to darynn@geocities.com

Wish me luck... I'll need it!

This page is best viewed on just about anything. Occasionally there will be a special feature (like the embedded module) that requires something specific, but anything that is -really- important will always be viewable/usable on ANY browser. This page will likely NEVER 'validate', because nobody will accept the embedded module below as being proper. Screw the validators. Everything else validates perfectly, and I've viewed my page in Firefox, NS, IE, Lynx, and even NeoPlanet, with perfect results. If you feel differently, though, let me know! I may have missed one aspect somewhere that needs some fine-tuning....so Email me! I can't fix what I don't know is broken. :)

Oh, and if you wanna avoid nasty JavaPopups on a website, especially many of the sites featured in my Bookmarks, then BE SURE to turn off JavaScript. I vow never ever ever to use JavaScript for anything important. I'll never use it for my personal pages. Or frames, or ActiveX, or any of that $#!+. Plain Java for some side-feature, maybe...but rarely even that. Stuff I link to, well, all bets are off, natch. I added the Guide near the bottom of this page so that the nasty pop-up doesn't show up, but now sometimes THAT doesn't even work...still, you will WANT this info, as it will save you much headaches here and elsewhere on the Web.

Now Playing:
SONG NAME: Oxammonium
To play this song in Netscape or Internet Explorer, you need MODPlug.
Or, you can download the song directly with the SONG NAME link, and play it with a MODule player like MODPlugPlayer, OpenMPT, or even WinAMP.
(You may need to shift-click or otherwise force downloading if you have module files set to go to another application.)
Get MODPlug, MODPlugPlayer, and MODPlugTracker here!

Like the logo at the top of this page? The sphere was a result of using a nifty tool that used to be available at the webpage of a company called Zyris. But then, they decided they were the shiznit, and quickly proceeded to prove the opposite. Anyway, before they went lame, I made the sphere, and with a quick freehand squiggle and horizontal shift, I had a nice place to stick words into. And there you have it. I am considering making a bigger one though... this one is a bit -too- small for a main logo, in my opinion. I made a number of source images and still have them and plenty others, so no worries there.

And now, the obligatory word from our sponsor...

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[Some ridiculously high number] lucky guinea pigs have viewed this monstrosity of a page.

(The counter that was here came from the ooooooooold Geo$#!+ies era, and I couldn't be arsed to find another one.)

Legal shiznit:
Copyright ©1997-2007 darynn@geocities.com (not that there's much here to copyright...and I'm not too terribly beotchy about things.)

No animals harmed or HTML Assistant Programs used during the creation of this page.
OK, the first part is wrong, I just swatted a small moth, and it ain't flyin' anymore. The second part is spot on, and forever will be.