The Factory


This story is the result of a number of years of work (on and off) and represents my first serious attempt at writing science fiction.

The primary focus of my series is to follow a handful of REF soldiers from the events prior to the end of the Third Robotech War (also known as the Second Invid War) through the end of the Fourth Robotech War (the Third Invid War).

Many of these events are taken from an RPG campaign I participated in. Elements of these adventures are taken from a variety of sources including the Robotech RPG books, the Third Invid War, created by Dave Deitrich and Chris Meadows and the Robotech: Technical Files, created by Peter Walker.


"The Factory" is based on a RPG adventure taken from Robotech II™: REF Field Guide™, Copyright Kevin Siembieda, no copyright infringement was intended. Legal disclaimers below.

Part 1 - 4th revision

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

comments or questions? email me

Legal Notices

Palladium Books ® is a registered trademark owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc.

Robotech II: REF Field Guide™ is a trademark owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc.

"The Factory" and other fan fiction is a derivative work of the Robotech RPG intended solely for the enjoyment of Robotech fans everywhere, and is NOT written for commercial purposes or financial gain. All characters, events, and terms are used under Palladium's "limited license" to use their text on the internet for non-profit enjoyment.. 1