Look here for the Russian Purchases and Fortification placement for Day 5 (no fair peeking JR!)

Weather/EC: Mist, Wet, Mild Breeze to Northwest


German Purchases for Day 5 (that we know of):

Rifle Company (apparently full)

StuG IIIG platoon (full)


Pregame thoughts

After the thrashing we took yesterday, we grimly setup and prepare to get our heads handed to us again. My board edge defence was helped by the whole of the B18 building being in flames ad the O5 factory had gutted. The Germans did have the L12 factory though, so they could put someone on the roof to strip off any HIP on the other rooftops. We decided that it was time to move our spotters down to 2nd level locations, mine was in J21 and Jim's was in BB19. With the Chemist's Shop firmly in German hands we decided that it would be a likely firebase so it was pre-registered by our 120mm OBA. Our remaining ART, INF and ATG pieces were in the Q13 and L17 factories along with all the militia and alot of Guards SMG squads. The rest of the line was held by our first liners. Our best hope to burn the L12 factory was the Mol-P in M15 to fire in M14.

Our German opponents came and put out their troops and we sat down to play. Jim's first statement to JR and Rob was, "Where are your troops?" Apparenly we hurt them worse than we thought on the 20th. They did have a company in reserve, setup to cover the sewer exits behind their lines.


Now, all I can say is, payback's a bitch.


Turn 1

The Germans decided to push forward with their attack despite their apparent weaknesses. Rob had the unfortunate luck to Red card out his OBA, now he would see how I felt on the 20th. JR did what we expected and put HEAVY firegroups in the Chemist's Shop. Tim the Enchanter (Mr 10-3) was with two HMG's and two other kill stacks had numerous MMG's. Jim's OBA came down on target and shattered the kill stacks, killing several half squads and breaking most of the rest. The Germans did put someone on the rooftop of L12 but to no effect.

In our half of Turn 1, the Mol-P did its job and lit the L12 factory. The HIP ATG in knocked out Rob's kill stack in F14 with a wonderful run of ROF.


Turn 2

The Germans made minor progress in their attack and got into the L17 factory and sent someone to try to put out the fire in M14. The German kill stacks meanwhile were cowering in the basement of the Chemist's Shop so the attack against the big factory was very slow in developing.

In our turn, I sent Rob scurrying from my factory and my OBA started dancing around Rob's strongpoint at H15. German casualties on JR's side began to mount quickly as half a dozen squads got caught between the Russians and the 120 OBA strike and were eliminated. I recaptured some territory as a HS and dummy moved up the F16 factory, hoping to jump into F14 to capture the German HMG sitting there. Some German reserves were sitting three hexes away from F14 though so I decided to let it wait.


Turn 3

JR brought in three StuG IIIG's to try and help his troops out but Tim couldn't do anything hiding in the basement while HS after HS died around him. A few German's managed to slip out of the firestorm and get some of the MMG's out but the HMG's were abandoned. Rob kept pushing to get into the L17 factory but I kept throwing him back. The fire in M14 finally blazed, ensuring the gutting of the L12 factory.

About turn 3 our sniper started getting active and wounded two German leaders. The wind changed and started blowing to the Southwest.


Turn 4

Rob finally got the troops from his former kill stack rallied and heading back towards the abandoned HMG so I shifted my spotting round and converted, unfortunately it was off target and hit a reserve stack, activating a 9-2 and two squads, ugh. Tim tried to sneak out of the Chemist's Shop but was broken and forced down again. To add to his discomfort, the roof of X8 was set on fire.

In our turn I decided to play on of my remaining trump cards, and opened up with twin heavies from the first level of I22, throwing back Rob's attempt to reinforce the H15 fortified building. With some SMOKE cover now, I moved some troops toward the now empty H15. The blaze in M14 collapsed the building and fell into M15, killing a militia squad, drat. X8 blazed.


Turn 5

Tim rallied again and tried to slip away but was pinned. Jim had now drawn 5 black cards and one red, amazing. X8 was CH by the OBA and rubbled from the basement up. JR finally got some troops into the north side of the Q13 factory with the help of his OBA and the StuG's.

My counterattack into H15 was stymied temporarily by Rob's troops and the 9-2 led stack but the twin heavies started racking up some casualties on a series of rate shots.


Turn 6

This was the pivotal turn, for the Russians anyway. Jim's OBA finally red carded out but the Chemists Shop was on fire and would burn down. Tim moved up to the abandoned HMG's to get them out of the doomed building, the hex he was in then collapsed from the fire! I love this game. I loved it more when I shifted my OBA and it scattered onto ANOTHER reserve stack. Expecting another nasty stack of German's I angrily rolled the attack and got... Snakeyes! One and a half squads bite the dust.

In what proved to be the final turn I made a move for H15 and got in when I broke everyone but a HS and Rob pulled out of the hex.

End of CG Day activities:

Total Russian casualties are:

58 CVP (18 squads, 1 crew, 5 squads captured)


Total German casualties are:

54 CVP (22.5 squads, 5 leaders)


German SAN drops to 3


Result: Russian Victory




Click here to see the full size picture of the perimeter. 1