Welcome to my (Genghis Khan X) Geocities homepage. I was up late when I wrote this,
and I didn't feel like writing a big fancy page.
Here's some stuff that's on my site:
NEW! My Critters!!
Possible Layout for future Mongolian BattleWorks page
A little game called Towers of Hanoi. Try to move the disks from one post to another.
An interesting look at the world's population.
Something to (maybe) make you smile.
The Beelzebub
ASCII codes for mIRC.
Some of my units.
(Additional units made by me can be obtained by downloading my unitpack from The TA Universe Files Section)
The TA Community Total Conversion temporary page.
Some interesting, and some annoyingly cute, pictures.
Possible MBW Logo, with slogan.
A picture of Me. You have been warned.

Some of my favorite places
TA Universe
Unit Universe
