Android Power Up's


The androids also have power up's, but they are more like the Super Namek, they are permanent.

Powerup Information
Upraded Android

When an android gains enough power, it can upgrade itself using it's internal systems. This transformation will give it X15 base PL. To be able to do this you need a base PL of at least 150.000. It must be ok'ed by a founder.
Upraded Android Level 2

When an android reaches the PL of 350.000 it can upgrade itself again. This transformation will give it X25 base PL. It must be ok'ed by a founder.
Killer Android

Once an android reaches the Upgraded Android Level 2 and then gains even more power, it can upgrade itself again, making it look as if it had a silver armour on. This level of power is very high, so an android can either destroy or save planets with this level of power. You need a base PL of 400.000 and will give you X70 base PL.
Massacre Android

If a killer android gains even more power, it can upgrade itself again. This time it makes the android fully biological. This transformation needs a human (or any other biological) body and 5 real days to complete. Once completed, the effects are X120 base PL. You need a base PL of 750.000 to complete this transformation.