
Ok, to learn the kaioken you can have any PL and you need to go to King Kai to train you. If he believes that you are good enough to learn the Kaioken he will teach you, and if he doesn't, then you got some training anyway *g*.

You can have up to Kaioken X30.

Every Kaioken X10 = base PL X35

Powerup Information
Kaioken X10

Kaioken x10 = base PL X35 (base PL needed = 350)
Kaioken X20

Kaioken x20 = base PL X 70 (base PL needed = 600.000)
Kaioken X30

Kaioken x30 = base PL X105 (base PL needed = 770.000)

Last Note: Kaioken can't be used for more then 30 posts/messages or you will DIE!