Place of Origin: The planet Inroyear
Common KnowledgeCommon Dragneta's take physical features similar to that of a Human, since it seems to fit their power rather well. Though their physical features may be different as well, for example: Dragneta's are born with blue eyes until the age of 10. The aging process for a common Dragneta is faster between birth and the age of 10, so those 10 years of age are really 5 years on Earth. Once hitting the age of 10, the aging process slows down substantially. The Dragneta's eyes then change to a light green color, symbolizing maturity. When older, a Dragneta would usually find a wife/husband. Once in love a Dragneta's eyes will turn red, the redness of the eyes depend on the level of love he or she is at. ("The eyes never lie!" -Ragnorak Tenshi) When a Dragneta's loved one happens to split up or perish, his or her eyes will shrivle into a blackish color, symbolizing depression or sadness.GovernmentPeace Planet: Dragneta was the first Dragneta planet discovered by the Inroyusite. The Inroyusite had similar technology with the Dragneta, so they signed a treaty that will never be broken. The Inroyusite and Dragneta are still at a heavy friendship to date.Though, Dragneta is the "species of creation" And Inroyusite is the "species of destruction" their beliefs have never seperated the friendship. Before the treaty of friendship, Peace Planet: Dragneta was an organized system of presidency. (Much like the U.S. But there are no taxes. = P) The Dragneta race grew substancially. After being discovered by the Inroyusite, the Dragnetas of Peace Planet set up colonies around the planet, and they set up colonies on three different moons. The first moon, named Ragnarok. Served as a science centre for research of the universe. The second moon, named Grey Sorrow. served as a sad as it sounds, the Dragneta send their dead there. It is believed that many evil spirits subside there. The 3rd moon, named Pheonix. Served as a medical centre for the sick and injured. Presidency still stands for the Dragneta, all is peaceful. ReligionThe Religion is unknown, even to the Inroyusite.Common AbilitiesDragnetas do not like to fight, but when they are threatened, they will attack, honorably at least. Dragnetas have the power of creation. In other words, they have the ability to heal and fight with spirit power and all sorts of mystical powers. The most commonly used ability is called the Dragneta Spirit. It will either cure or kill anything other than Dragneta. Dragnetas do not like to harm, they have a soft spot to help others in need.FormsAside from spirit and ki energy, the Dragnetas do have forms that they can achieve after a period of time. The first form that a common Dragneta can reach is called "Pure Dragneta" It makes the user look meaner, in a way. It's basically a power booster.Another form, which is commonly used in the Dragneta Peace Militia, is Vibra-Neta. Vibra-Neta is a form in which silver or gold armor would appear on the body, as well as two spirit blades. Silver represents Peace-Maker, and Gold represents Pure Hearted Defender. The form, that is feared by the Dragneta, is called "Ultimerium" In this form, the Dragneta's body becomes too fast and agile to keep intact with. The Dragneta's body basically becomes a hiss of pure energy. The form cannot be seen even through the Dragneta color-coded eyes. About 20 years in the past, a pure hearted Dragneta turned into this creature that the people called "Ultimerium" because the creature had far more superior strength than any other Dragneta AND Inroyusite. This Ultermerium being killed innocent Inroyusite and Dragneta. The Militia finally stopped the being after a long 5 years, and killed the creature, since the form of Dragneta couldn't be called back. But that wasn't enough, it appeared that there were two Ultimerium Dragnetas... The second one was no longer encountered after the first Ulterimerium was killed. Race Created By: Ragnorak Tenshi |