Hi Welcome to my "Mugenesque" page.

Chunli Mugened by AnG3L MyST


Well, theres not really much here right now since I've just started this web page.
But bear with me!

For those of you who don't know what MUGEN is and somehow wound up here
by accident, go here.


Otherwise, welcome! I've ripped and Mugenized a not so famous character so
it was less likely to "conflict" with someone who might be working on one.:)
The character is Feilin Ripped from "Fighters History Dynamite." I also Chose her because she uses Praying Mantis Kung Fu and I'm a Martial Arts movie buff :) She has 3 punches, 3 Kicks(All standing, jumping and crouching), lots of combo capability, 2 special moves and 2 Supers. They are pretty easy to figure out but if you are really stuck just look in the feilin.cmd file for the moves. Screenshots
are to the right, click below to download the file.

Feilin teaches Chunli some manners.



Greetings to NeoGouki, and Gama. without their help I would has NEVER got this far, now I know a great deal more about MUGEN and NeoRage .:)  Hmm my next character? I really wanted to do an original character in the first place but its a bitch working with 256 colors, especially when you have to reduce yourimage size that small. When mugen gets 16 bit color support I'll try again. I'll post some original art and ideas when I have the time, but in the meantime I was thinking of ripping genan fromSamurai Showdown 2, or that cool Ice guy from
4 but we'll see:)

Questions? Comments? E-mail me at:
or catch me in #mugen on irc effnet



"Oh? So you think you're cute?" BAAAAAAAAAMM!


3-D Stuff