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Hi, I'm Qingwei from Singapore. Now 22, I'm a second year Electrical Engineering student at the National University of Singapore. For many years now, I have been playing Diablo, Hellfire and most currently Diablo II and is still actively involved in several diablo communities.

In May 1999, my first attempt at html finally came to be in the form of a small focused website on diablo but gradually expanded to included a host of articles and write-ups, and has most recently been updated to include some stuff on Diablo II and its expansion. Click here to visit my website Shadow Sanctuary or the older diablo section Caverns of Ice.

Other games that kept me going since young had been the Championship Manager series, all the way from CM94 till the current CM 00/01. And since the addiction to the net, I have also been looking at a very interesting webgame called utopia. In any case, I hope you will enjoy my site and have fun!

May 06 2003

My Favourite Links
A Million Kisses for Noriko Sakai the most complete noriko sakai site
Blue Troll's Netbooks ad&d knowledge vault
Lurker's Lounge diablo strategy community
Musical Greeting Cards a good source of greeting cards
Utopian Homepage a fantasy strategy webgame

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Web Tools and Graphics a good source for webmasters
DistantHost the host for my site!
Dreambook a nice free guestbook
Eos Development original web artwork all kinds of graphics for webpages
Netbabbler Interactive Forums free web forum for all users
Shadowscapes gallery site of stephanie pui-mun law
The Works of Luis Royo gallery of luis royo's artwork

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"Sylvan Solitude" by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law

E-mail Me

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