What is a PBEM?
A PBEM is a Play By E-Mail game. A PBEM can be any type of game, from checkers or chess, to a complicated Role Playing Game (RPG).

What is the style and setting of this PBEM?
This particular game is an RPG set in the Battletech Universe using the Mechwarrior 3rd Edition rules. The current year is 3062 and the Inner Sphere is turning its concentration back on itself now that the Clan threat is temporarily over. The Dark Knights is a new mercenary group that is looking for employment in the Chaos March, a disputed territory between the Federated Commonwealth and the Capellan Confederation. The Dark Knights will be fighting against the Capellan Confederation.

How does it work?
On average there is one "move" per week. You will recieve and respond to these moves via your Email. Each new move holds the results of the last move as well as the new situation for the current move.
For example, let's say in Move 1, the GM sent you a move saying you were hiding in a forest and you see an enemy 'mech walk by. As a responce, you sent an Email back to the GM saying you ran out of the forest and shot at the enemy 'mech. The GM recieved this move and calculated your to-hit modifiers based on the situation. He determined what happened and within a week, responded to you with Move 2. In Move 2, you find out you missed the enemy 'mech, who now knows you are here. He turns and fires his weapons at you. This is a new move, and it's now you're turn. Let's say you stand your ground, taking whatever fire the enemy hits you with and you shoot all of your weapons at him. This is the end of Move 2 for you. You have to wait until Move 3 comes out to see if you were hit, and if you hit the enemy. It is very similar to a standard RPG, just slower. Please note that you do not roll any dice, all of that is left up to the GM based on the character you created. You simply respond to the situation.
This particular PBEM currently has many characters and you do not each get a personal updated move. There is one universal move that holds the results of EVERYONE'S previous actions. In this one move, usually a paragraph is dedicated to your character. Also note that the new move will not be sent out until ALL members have replied.

How do I make a move?
We prefer your moves to be a little more detailed and colorful than in the example above. We also require that the moves be made IN CHARACTER and in NOVEL FORMAT. In other words, don't say "My guy will jump out and attack with his all his guns." Instead write it like it's in a novel (you don't have to be a good writer or speller to do this, trust us). Let's take the same example from above and show you a good responce.
"Jason's HUD (heads up display) lights up with the new target as the enemy 'mech stalks by. He feels he can surely catch this one by surprise. He wipes the sweat off of his hands, tenses his 'mechs legs and springs out of his hiding spot, instantly caressing the trigger assigned to Alpha Strike when he feels the targeting reticule is centered."
Please remember to keep each move limited to one major action. What this means is don't start stacking actions in the same move, you can only make one at a time (like in a table-top RPG). In other words, don't attack the first enemy, then run over and attack a second, then after that run away and hide in the same move. Keep it to one major action (attacking the first enemy). Before you can continue, you have to wait and see the results of the first action.

What are the rules for joining and playing?
The rules for playing are pretty simple, they're the same as the rules in the Mechwarrior 3rd Edition RPG.

The GM has full and final say on what does and doesn't happen.

Limit your major actions to one per move.

Always respond in character, never a "My guy..." statement. If you have questions within your move, or after your move, mark them CLEARLY with the letters OOC (this stands for Out Of Character). This will let everyone know that it is YOU asking the question or making a statement, not your character. They will respond in kind. If your entire letter is OOC, put that in the subject box along with the letter's subject. If you have an OOC question within your move (as in you want to ask the GM for a clearification, or you want to make a variable before your move. (For example: "Jason watches as the enemy 'mech stalks by. He tries to judge the distance between himself and the enemy so he can try and charge it." OOC--How far away is the enemy? If it's too far away to charge without giving up Jason's surprise attack then he'll just jump out of hiding and shoot all of his weapons at it.) (You would now wait for the GM to respond to you, and he will do it OOC as well, perhaps saying: OOC--The enemy 'mech is too far away, if Jason charged, the enemy would have time to respond.) You would then reply normally, in character with the new information.

All other non-character related Emails will be marked with an OOC also (even if it isn't a question about the game). Members can change this rule if they want to talk to each other out of the game. But please keep all letters marked with OOC until you have made an agreement with that specific member.

When talking privately IN CHARACTER to another member of the game, send that Email to the other member and the GM only. This will keep the GM current on his player's characters and other possible story lines that will make the game that much more exciting. In addition, if you are talking to another member IN CHARACTER in a different language than english (sweedenese for example), send the Email to the other member and the GM. If any other characters that speak this language are in earshot, the GM will also send it to them without your knowledge (basically, the other characters "overheard" you).

Keep true to your character. In other words, don't do opposite things unless there is a reason. For example, don't have a character that is normaly very quite suddenly start telling all sorts of stories or giving tons of orders all of a sudden unless there's a reason. A possible reason to this is that the other members got him rip-roaring drunk, and he is now spouting everything he knows. Try to keep consistant with the character, it makes for a more fun and smooth game.

The only requirements for joining are that you have something to contribute to the Knights. If you just want to make a character that hangs around, or make a child character to grow up in a merc unit, chances are, we don't have any room for you.
Also, while you can be any affiliation you want, it will be extrememly dificult on your character if he/she is Capellan, Blakist, Lyran, Pirate, or Clan. These groups are our main enemies (Capellan being the largest). You can be an NON-LOYAL ex-patriot of any of these factions, just keep in mind that your character will probably not get along with the others for some time, if ever. They will constantly be suspicious of him or her. It is probably NOT possible to still be loyal to any of those affiliations considering we will be fighting them, so please don't submit such a character.

Do not take control of any NPC (non-player character. This means the GM is controling this person) or another member's character. Giving orders to anyone is perfectly acceptable, but do not include that character's responce or action in any of your moves. You must wait until whoever is in control responds for that character, and then you continue like normal.

Is Vulgarity OK?
We have not yet had a problem with vulgarity and most likely will not unless it bogs down the game and makes it childish. Most of the characters are grizzled veterans, cussing and vulgarity are commonplace to them, however, they are honored and respectable people, it is not in abundance. Also remember that many phrases are no longer valid in the Battletech Universe (although I'm sure they still exist) A "Holy Shit!" might be substituted with a "Blake's Blood!" for example.

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