- Guides and walkthroughs for games

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..... Welcome to the new and improved site of Dr. S. Doak Productions [est. 1997]. I've been offline for a very long while. Actually I've been offline since June 2001, when I stopped updating any of my webpages, due to my studies.
I'm putting all of my sites back online, including some new ones I made and still am making. For all the ones who supported and visited my sites over the past years , THANX !!!".


Last updated:   -  14th April 2004
    Suspended Indefinitely

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©1997 / 2005  -  Dr. S. Doak Productions (All rights reserved)
This site is no way connected to Nintendo or any of the companies involved. The characters used on this page are copyrighted to Nintendo and their respective companies.
You may freely use the pictures and other multimedia files for your own use at home and website. E-mail when you do so at: drdoak6@hotmail.com.

Best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and 1024 x 768 resolution. (Minimum: MSIE 4 / 800 x 600 resolution)

Dr. Doak is back in business...!!  -  Leimuiden (The Netherlands), 15th December 2001.