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Pikablu's Pika Palace

Pikablu's Pika Palace

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08/13/00- Update
Just a update

Updated- I just added the 4th Pokemon Mod. Codes. Go check out the pokemon Red/Blue gameshark codes and you'll see pokemon modifier codes made by The Game Software Creators Club I will be adding each pokemon slot during the week.

Affiliate With Me- I am looking for some Affiliates with good rankings in topsites. E-mail me with your URL, Site name, and your e-mail... Thanks

Site Spotlight-

The Game Connection@ A great message board for all systems (sega, nintendo, sony, microsoft).

Want to be a spotlight?Just e-mail me the sites URL, name, and a little bit about it and then I'll put it on the list.

Coming soon... A Top Site List with your rank displayed on the button! Pokemon Webmasters Stick Around!

08/12/00- Update
Just a update

Updated- I just added the 3rd Pokemon Mod. Codes. Go check out the pokemon Red/Blue gameshark codes and you'll see pokemon modifier codes made by The Game Software Creators Club I will be adding each pokemon slot during the week.

Affiliate With Me- I am looking for some Affiliates with good rankings in topsites. E-mail me with your URL, Site name, and your e-mail... Thanks

Site Spotlight-

The Game Connection@ A great message board for all systems (sega, nintendo, sony, microsoft).

Want to be a spotlight?Just e-mail me the sites URL, name, and a little bit about it and then I'll put it on the list.

Coming soon... A Top Site List with your rank displayed on the button! Pokemon Webmasters Stick Around!

08/11/00- Update
Just a update

Updated- I just added the 2nd Pokemon Mod. Codes. Go check out the pokemon Red/Blue gameshark codes and you'll see pokemon modifier codes made by The Game Software Creators Club I will be adding each pokemon slot during the week.

Affiliate With Me- I am looking for some Affiliates with good rankings in topsites. E-mail me with your URL, Site name, and your e-mail... Thanks

Site Spotlight-

Raichu's Power Plant@ A great site that is becoming pretty popular. Vist Raichu's Power Plant today!

Want to be a spotlight?Just e-mail me the sites URL, name, and a little bit about it and then I'll put it on the list.

Coming soon... A pokemon netowrk will be coming soon! So all you webmsters out there check back often to see when its ready!

08/10/00- Update
Just a update

Updated- Go check out the pokemon Red/Blue gameshark codes and you'll see pokemon modifier codes made by The Game Software Creators Club I will be adding each pokemon slot during the week.

Affiliate With Me- I am looking for some Affiliates with good rankings in topsites. E-mail me with your URL, Site name, and your e-mail... Thanks

Site Spotlight-

Masterball@ A great site that is a must for all pokemasters to enjoy and have fun, while becoming greater!

Want to be a spotlight?Just e-mail me the sites URL, name, and a little bit about it and then I'll put it on the list.

Coming soon... A pokemon netowrk will be coming soon! So all you webmsters out there check back often to see when its ready!

08/07/00- Pokemon Statium
Just a little news.. and I will be making a Pokemon Statium cheats page all day so go check it out.

News- Pikablu's Pika Palace has hit 56,000 visitors!

Updated- I will be making a Pokemon Statium cheats page all day so go check it out.

Affiliate With Me- I am looking for some Affiliates with good rankings in topsites. E-mail me with your URL, Site name, and your e-mail... Thanks

Site Spotlight- Well I'm going to start putting this on updates now... its for Pokemon Webmasters that want to promote their site. Just e-mail me the sites URL, name, and a little bit about it and then I'll put it on the list.

PokeCGI@ PokeCGI is a GREAT site that will install CGI scripts for you for free. This is definately a 5 star site and should be checked out if you are a pokemon webmaster.

Coming soon... A pokemon netowrk will be coming soon! So all you webmsters out there check back often to see when its ready!

08/06/00- News
One more affiliate and little update.

Updated- I added the Pokemon TCG game section, and so far has one section open.

New Affiliates- I would like to introduce three new Affiliates.

The Psychic Pit has a great layout and the webmaster is working hard to open new sections.

08/05/00- I'm Back Again
Alright Pikablu's Pika Palace is back and will now be updating at least once a week.

News-Ok, well a lot has happened. I have joined some new topsites and my rankings are pretty good. :) Also, I have applied to be hosted by Pokemon Village one of the biggest Pokemon and Anime sites on the internet. I'll keep you informed.

Updated-All day today I will be geting more codes and adding them to Pikablu's Pika Palace's Giant collection. As I get them I will post where they are in "JUST Updated" title below this.

Just Updated-Story, A Pokemon Yellow Code

New Affiliates- I would like to introduce three new Affiliates.

Jacobs Pokemon Paradise has a great looking site and has a great selection of material.

Mandas Pokemon Gym is a new site. The layout is great and the webmaster spends loads of time making this site better and better.

Professor Oaks Lab has a great layout and some neat pictures. POF has a great selection of everything Pokemon.

06/29/00- I'm Back
I'm back from my move. Pikablu's Pika Palace is going to get a new layout with frames! If you do not like frames don't worry because I'm going to make a no frames page too. :)

New Affiliate- I just affiliated with Pokemasterball. Go check out their site today! It is really great. And if you have a pokemon site go there soon for the big awards competition.

Updates- I added Pokemasterball's button and I added a link to a cool Pokemon site that just started. I met the webmasters and they are cool guys. Willie & Justins Pokemon Reasearcher

Don't Forget About FREE POKEMON E-MAIL! Click Here

05/07/00- Free E-Mail
FREE E-MAIL!!!!! Yes now you can get your own free e-mail from Pikablu's Pika Palace! It will be: Sign up now while the user name you want is still there. Click here to sign up. Free E-Mail
04/26/00- Adopt now open
Ok it is now open. Its under the webmaster section.

If you have a Pokemon site that gets lots of hits if you want to affiliate please e-mail me. A adoption center and a new layout should be coming soon. The adoption center might be out today or very soon.

04/19/00- Adopt
Hey Fans! If you have a Pokemon site that gets lots of hits if you want to affiliate please e-mail me. A adoption center and a new layout should be coming soon. The adoption center might be out today or very soon.
03/27/00- Chat
The chat room is now open. Just go under the Interactive part of the site and hit chat room.

03/13/00- Sorry
I am sorry to my new affiliate. I took forever to get the button up. I added their button and I added a link to pokemon evolution in the links section and I added a cooler poll.

03/11/00- Finally
01/23/00- Finally
I finished the TM & HM Guide. It now has what each of them is and where to find them! My next project is a advanced pokedex. I'll try to finish that this week.

01/16/00- Back and ready to go
Alright lets get back in the game. Pikablu's Pika Palace for a time was going down in raks but now we are shooting back up. Later this week I will finish the TM & HM guide. I am also working on a advanced pokedex. Stay tuned.

01/09/00- Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!!!! I added a code that might work. I'm finishing the TM & HM guide later in the week.

12/27/99- New Layout Take 2!
Hi everybody! I have a new layout. This time I changed the whole site. Now I don't have frames and I just have the cool menu on the left. Hope you had some Happy Holidays.

12/26/99- New Layout!
Hi everybody! I have a new layout (Sort of). I added 3 links and if my new affiliate e-mails me their link i'll have a new affiliate!!! I also added some Gameshark codes. Visit (its a message board). I moderate there. My name is Nightmare.
12/22/99- Surfs up!
I added a Pikachu Surfing code in the Gameshark codes site.
12/19/99- New Part Of PPP
There is a new part of Pikablu's Pika Palace now. It is TI-Corner! Go to my main site and click on TI-Corner to go there. It has games for the ti calculators made by me for the TI-82, TI-83, TI-83+, and it will have TI-85 and 86 games later. Tomorrow I will add some codes for Pokemon.
12/04/99- New Part Of PPP
There is a new part of Pikablu's Pika Palace now. It is the Dreamcast Zone! Go to my main site and click on The Dreamcast Zone to go there.
11/30/99- Subscribers
My subscribers now have their own section with lots of downloads codes and more great stuff. If you are a subscriber go check your e-mail for your member name and password and then go to the subscribers section at the top of the other category. If you are not a subscriber and you want to be go to the newsletter section for info.
11/27/99- Snap Walkthrough
I made a Pokemon Snap walkthrough to download or just look at. It is under the Pokemon Snap Section.
11/26/99- New Layout
I got the pokemon Gold & Silver ROMS yesterday and i'll be puting them up later this week. I now have a frames page! If you don't like frames go to and pick no frames.
11/25/99- Award
NEW!!! If you have a Pokemon site go apply for my NEW award under the other section. It is called The Pikablu's Myth Award.
11/20/99- Never Ending Story
NEW!!! The Never Ending POKEMON Story. Look under the other section to find it. You get to add your own part of the story to it!!!
11/16/99- Promo Movie Cards
I added pics of the Pikachu & the Electrabuzz (I took them myself) that you can get at the movie. And go so this site can grow and get better. Go Here to see the Pikachu one Go Here to see the Electrabuzz one
11/13/99- Game"cheater"shark Codes
I added tons of gameshark codes. By the way if you have any pokemon music please send it to me.
11/03/99- Boring Day
I added a Great Deck and two Codes That Might Work.
10/21/99- Yellow Licous
I added some Yellow Codes and visit Pokemon Heaven because they have a great site also.
10/20/99- New Affiliate
I have a new Affiliate! It is Pokemon Heaven! By the way Pokemon Yellow came out yesterday so I am closing the Yellow Discussion room. I will also be adding more codes for it soon.
10/13/99- A Great Day
I added some Great Decks and soon I will add Pokemon Red, Blue, And Green emulators.
9/26/99- Yellow = Fun
I added some things in the Pokemon Yellow Discussion and Pokemon Yellow News and go to th realeases to find out when it is coming out. I also added a new Snap High Score.
9/25/99- Troubles
There was a problem with the Pokemon Pinball submit your score form so I didn't get a lot of peoples scores if you are one of those people feel free to submit it again. I shut down the Secret Pokemon section because too many people complained that they didn't work. I also added a neat thing to the Pokemon Pinball And Pokemon Snap High Score Sections.
9/23/99- Usual
I added a Pokemon Snap Code and a Great Deck. Also if you have a pokemon site please go to Pikablu's Top 25 Pokemon Sites and see how easily you could be number one!
9/20/99- Message Board
I added a Message Board!! It is under the other section in the menu (above). I will add some great decks either tomorrow or the next day.
9/18/99- High Scores
I added some high scores in both the snap and pinball sections, I added a thing in the Yellow Discussion Area, and I added some great decks. Sorry I haven't updated in a while School gets in the way of things so I newver have time to do anything for my site. Have Fun!!!!!!
9/07/99- High Scores
I added some high scores in both the snap and pinball sections. I also made a Pokemon Yellow Codes section.
9/04/99- Pokemon Pinball
I added a Pokemon Pinball Codes section.
9/02/99- Busy Bee
I updated the downloads, Snap codes, Pinball codes, and codes that work. Also I started school so I started geting homework. I will still update every other day if I don't have too much homework. I will still check e-mail every day so don't stop e-mailing me! I also won an award! It is at the bottom of the page.
8/29/99- POKEMON!!!
I added the song and added a link to a pokemon site. I also fixed the downloads sorry that they were messed up.

Do You Have A Code, High Score, Cool Pokemon Card Deck, Info on Release Dates For Pokemon Games, Or Any other thing we could use? Well what are you waiting for send it to us and get all the credit for giving it to us.

E-Mail it to

Pokemon Trainers Have Been Here

I am in no way affiliated with Nintendo, Game Freak, or any other pokemon company. This is just a fan site.