The Home off


Well this is the history from WAC_Docolero.
I started this game als a singelplayer ( like we oll do i think ) my nickname whas Outlaw45, played for a long time as singelplayet and let my ass being whoopt by a lot off player's .
In the old day's u had too diff. game room's "europe" and america" room's and yes yer right for the best game's u had too goo too "america" room .
But as for a lot off use i learn how too play in the " europ" room vs WAC's , BH's , CC's and a lot more off them.
I wanne thank them for there the help they give'd me and there time too explane some stuff.
Well after sometime i came in a gang called the Comenchero's ( CC ) , the leader at that time whas CC_Harmonica ( hes still here but as a St.).
I join his gang and learn more from him ( hell i still can't beat him in Sanc.) , the nick i has then whas CC_Dr_Colt.
At same time i seem to lost the gang ( they went underground (Kali)) so i became a singelplayer againg.
But this time i lost the darn password for my old nick so it became Outlaw_45.
( that's why Dirty alway say "out "so say hi)
After that well u now it WACCY time ,  first at WAC_Outolero but the Zone kill the nick for some reson.
So i became Docolero and still am.

Doco's prive'd live

Too old too play this game
I have some hobby's :
- i make modelcars in the scale off 1:34 ( hope too put a pic. up off some cars).
- my 125cc go_cart dang that's the most fun i ever had
  ( 6 speed outdoor )
-indoor go_carting

darn that's 24 hrs grrrrr need more time in a day


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