Laser Quest in Federal Way, WA

I know it's been a while, but I finally updated the page!


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Since October 15, 1998:

This site was created by =]PALADIN>.

This LaserQuest Ring site is owned by =]PALADIN>.

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Title animation done by NOVA (Michigan) - outstanding job by the way! :-) You can find a link to her home page under Our Connections.

MIDI playing is RazTor's remix of "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath. Original composition @ 1972 Rodger Bain for Tony Hall Enterprises. Re-composed at MIDI Haven.

 Laser Quest, LQ, and all images related to it are @ 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Versent Corporation. This is an unofficial site for Laser Quest players and no official endorsement is inferred.