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Sorry but I will not update this site anymore.
The Evening Star Guild is interested in providing you with the latest up to date information relating to The Evening Star. Click on the banner.

Welcome traveller! This is not the common kind of site you might expect. Sit down and relax... this is The Evening Star, a monthly newspaper for Daggerfall. Stay a while to get a good portion of entertainment. TES: The Evening Star

This site has received  hits, since 21st March 1998
WOW! Over 1000 hits! And I am finally linked on The Essential Site. Plus I've recieved two more awards. I would like to apologize for the late update, I have played some excellent Genesis games recently. And I still don't have that much to publish. During this month all I've been given is two articles and one short story. I know you can better than this. So come on, look through your drawers for that article or short story that you thought was great when you wrote it. On a personal note I've just joined UDIC (Ultima Dragons Internet Chapter) and now posts as Ykalon Dragon on the newsgroups I subscribe to. I should like to have any books you might have done with Bookedit or any similar program, so that I can put them in the files section for others to download.

                                                            Sara Wolff Editor! 

Awards Here you can apply for my award and look at the awards The Evening Star has been given.

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The most important thing: Submit to the site if you like it. Without you this site cannot exist. Be sure to tell me what you think when you´ve visited the site the first time. I´m glad about every single suggestion. You may also submit articles you want to see in further issues as well as stories and new books. If you have a suggestion for a new category, you may send it in too.

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Issue 12 is already out!

    The Archives Newest Issue
    Go here if you wanna take a look at older issues of The Evening Star. Just read the newest and hottest issue.  More will come in due time.
    Sign Guestbook View Guestbook
    Leave a message in the guestbook. So I know you´ve been here. View the guestbook, see what others had to say about this  site.
    Our Library Mail the Editor
    The Evening Star has it´s own printer station. Check out some of the books, we´ve released. Mail me suggestions, new books, stories etc.   I always mail back as fast as I can.

    The Evening Star Guild

     The Evening Star Guild  Joining Information 
    See our current member index. Wanna join? Yeah, you want! There are no disadvantages, only benefits!

    Other fine things

    Credits Apparel Catalogue
    Take a look at the people that help keeping this site alive. All submitters are listed here, too. The Apparel Catalogue contains beautiful   clothes, which you may order to dress your character (Lots of colours).NEW, now with pictures. See before you order.
    File Library
    Besides some important files such as the patches, you´ll find editors and helpfiles.
    Links           Art Gallery 
    Links to the best Daggerfall related sites. Ever wanted to peruse through a large collection of paintings, describing Tamriel´s great nobles and creatures 
    Playing Styles   Custom Characters  
    Here are some tips to help you get ahead! Here you can see both characters for the beginner and the pro.

    Mail the Editor!

[News] [Jobs]


13th of July, 1999. New look on the Apparel Catalogue.
New book published. Feel free to use the banner if you link me. Oh almost forgot The Evening Star
has been given two more awards, check them out. See you next time.