Abe's Oddysee

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- all comments and opinions welcome!!!

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JulianIV - 12/31/98 07:45:58
My Email:avisenis@xtra.co.nz
Site Rating: 10
Referred By: ?playstation web page (don't remember!)
Location: New Zealand
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you - I was getting really frustrated and had missed half the game anyway - you have opened up a new level of interest and encouraged me to think laterally and not give up hope!!

Dr Love - 12/30/98 19:37:03
My Email:hamid18@worldnet.att.net
Site Rating: the best
Referred By: self
nice web page..... keep up the good work. and enevually a person like me will appericate your work.

jo - 12/30/98 17:19:34
My Email:joelle.samuel"bluewin.ch
Site Rating: ****
Referred By: searching help about oddworld
Location: switzerland

Autumn - 12/29/98 20:58:56
My Email:Autumn@ezonline.com
Referred By: Search
Location: Pennsylvania
Great page. Need some help with a big jump or other solution to a missing bridge scene with lever and "ostrige"

Matt - 12/25/98 19:52:06
My Email:matt2549@aol.com
Site Rating: 9 1/2
Referred By: Geocites
Location: USA
Very good site.

Mike D - 12/24/98 07:44:07
My Email:mikedew@dewblaney.com
Site Rating: 9/10
Referred By: infoseek
Your site helped me alot and It will continue to help.

Greg - 12/19/98 10:15:52
Referred By: Browsing and i have abes oddesy
Location: Ebgland
This is a brilliant site but I really need some more cheats!

Greg Barker - 12/17/98 13:29:29
My Email:GregoryBarker@billericay.freeserve.co.uk
Site Rating: 8 out of 10
Referred By: cheats for PC abes oddessy
Location: England,Essex
I nedd more cheats for the PC please!

Raven Black - 12/16/98 11:37:12
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Raven_Black
My Email:raven_blck@yahoo.com
Site Rating: ****
Referred By: Chatroom
Location: South Africa
I know your'e not around anymore, but it's great to still find service of this kind of quality for free on the net...
Great site man
Hack the planet...

Michael H Bettich - 12/07/98 20:54:21
My Email:bettich@swissonline.ch
Site Rating: great
Referred By: forum of some sort

John Scudder - 12/04/98 01:38:42
Referred By: GTforum
Location: deerfield, il
Webmaster's note: I've given up writing comments on these entries which just have names and no comments or even ratings. I guess some people just like to see their name in Guest Books.!

Shane White - 12/02/98 18:17:11
Site Rating: *****
Referred By: Oddworld forum
Location: Ireland
Thanks! I thought your site was great!

Aqious - 11/28/98 07:26:09
My Email:Aqious@aol.com
Site Rating: ******
Referred By: GT sites/ forum
Location: Northern Ca.
I really dig the site, but it would be nice if there was an e-mail address to write to the person who designed it.

BTB Moore - 11/27/98 20:29:25
My Email:btbmoore@hotmail.com
Site Rating: 10!
Referred By: Found by searching for Oddworld help.
Location: California
The BEST site I've found for Oddworld help!! Are ya gonna do the same for Abe's Exodus???

Brandy - 11/23/98 04:18:40
My Email:littlegirl_wight@yahoo.com
Site Rating: 10/*****
Location: Portland, Or "USA"
You did a great job. There are a few typo's though. The first one is in the first sentance guiding me to your comments page. Not many people know about your awsome web site at least none of my friends. I just stumbled onto the site my self. Lucky me. I'll pass the word along of your grand site all right! Have you done any other game/tip web pages?

Jody - 11/17/98 04:09:06
Webmaster's note: Well Jody - you put your name in a GB besides ... NOTHING. Are you always this talkative?

- 11/13/98 00:45:25
My Email:renegzz@hotmail.com
Site Rating: **********************always getting better
Referred By: yahoo
Location: Mexico
This is a great site and the desktop theme its just perfect, thanks for the slig's sounds, but.. Is there anyway to send you and e-mail? I'm already prepared for the second part

Lewis - 11/09/98 13:05:58
My Email:lewis.payne@btinternet.com
Site Rating: 10/10
Location: London
Webmaster's note: Nothing to say again... but since he gave me a nice rating I'll let him be!

Trex - 11/09/98 11:56:26
My Email:trex@steptech.net
Referred By: Forum post at GT
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Webmaster's note: No comments but hey, he's American, so that explains everything!

AssriX - 11/07/98 22:11:57
My Email:zr6nix@hotmail.com
Site Rating: ****
Referred By: gt-games
Location: South Africa
thanx for the help on oddworld. i was about to give up hope, but thanx 2 u, i can continue and enjoy the great game. Thanx a mil!

Mathew - 10/31/98 02:11:06
My Email:ksmat@globalnet.co.uk
Site Rating: 9/10
Referred By: gtisonline.com
Location: england
I cant get the ABE Chat to work. Do I need a utility of some sort to allow me to use the facility

whale - 10/29/98 03:23:34
My Email:horizom@chollian.net
i don't know have any idea now, sorry

Robert G - 10/28/98 04:06:38
My Email:Rgriffi436@aol.com
Site Rating: ****
Referred By: Manual
Webmaster's note: Now my site's in a manual? Really?!?!?!

RudeDog - 10/28/98 01:54:05
My Email:arudedog@usa.net
Site Rating: 10+
Referred By: Typed Oddworld--search
Location: FLA
Please remember some of us have just started Abe and/or have slow fingers and some areas are just about impossible. either way please keep up the good help! Thanks!

- 10/23/98 17:08:58
Webmaster's note: Mystery person again!

zorvex - 10/22/98 08:25:47
My URL:http://www.thebreakfastclub.com
My Email:zorvex@aol.com
Site Rating: *****
Referred By: GT forum
Location: Newnan,GA
Incredible site. Obviously a lot of hard work and talent went into this. I bet they'll make you an honorary Mudokon some day.

Cindy - 10/21/98 02:38:33
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
Nice page.... please come visit my site :-)

Webmaster's note:
WARNING- Cindy's site contains nudity!

Ogier - 10/20/98 13:03:36
My URL:http://www.zip.com.au/~ogier
My Email:ogier@zip.com.au
Site Rating: 10 out of 10
Referred By: Alta Vista search engine
Location: Sydney Australia
Great site - I think it's in the theme of the game.

thanks for the screens.


10/17/98 19:04:14
Name: Bad Bunny
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

chenoa - 09/26/98 11:32:16
Site Rating: ****
Referred By: linked
Location: oz
I'm sick of killing everyone in Zulag 2. Hint? Please?

EA54 - 09/24/98 04:00:52
My Email:ea54omega@aol.com
Site Rating: ****
Location: US
Webmaster's note: There's a lot of people out there with nothing to say!

Sherry - 09/22/98 04:16:42
My Email:Sherry
Site Rating: *Great* Best in design/(+help I've seen)
Referred By: Name in a Forum, + click+here i am !!!
Location: Lancaster, PA. USA
Thank-you, you've done a gooood job,...and I use a PC,..so you've helped me alot. Not many would go that (for real) PC...mile, to help someone out. I am in a wheel-chair/ And i Love being In ODD World !!!! (..hey : ) ,..*.I am ODD And I Like it *) have an operation coming up/ so \ after i am home, have to 'rent' a hosp. bed for a bi ,...best part is,...we are going to ' rent ' a PC., also and i can play Abe's Oddysee while getting better *!!! No Hoax, for real, Thank-You Very Much, for your time. while home, in a 'rented hospital bed',...i can 'rent' a 'puter,...Just To Play ABE-Od world *I .

William - 09/19/98 00:23:45
My Email:impalass@stny.lrun.com
Site Rating: ***********
Referred By: Did a search
Location: Bingahmton, New York
Acckk! Help!

- 09/15/98 18:00:03
Webmaster's note: Who was that masked man?

Mike Perkins - 09/12/98 00:21:49
My Email:mperkins@voicenet.com
Site Rating: *****
Referred By: Yahoo
Location: Pennsylvania
It had more than I wanted but bookmarked it for the future when I may need it again. Thanks for organizing it so I didn't see what I didn't do yet. Now back to the action!! Thanks again.- Mike

Arran Phipps - 09/06/98 22:28:02
My URL:http://oddweb.freeservers.com/
My Email:arranphipps@mailcity.com
Site Rating: *****
Referred By: I just surfed on in!
Location: I am from California, United States of America
This is an excellent site you've got! It has everything that someone needs for Oddworld!

- 09/06/98 14:35:56
Webmaster's note: Another mystery person who like to hit buttons without actualling typing anything

Ginger - 09/04/98 03:31:48
My URL:http://members.aol.com/GArcher941/Graphics.html
My Email:gdowning@gte.net
Site Rating: I have to look first but so far ****
Referred By: I was on the Oddworld.com site went to forums and linked you from there
Location: Terre Haute, IN
Well I love the game but am finding it a bit more difficult to even finish collecting all the Mudokons or saving I should say....from even the first level.. Ack...don't want to cheat my way through the whole thing but looking here for some helpful hints. BR>BTW I play on PC

Scott - 09/04/98 00:37:37
My Email:rrushton@drlogick.com
Site Rating: *****
Referred By: gtforum reader
Location: Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Webmaster's note: BLANK BLANK BLANK !?!?!?

moppin - 09/01/98 05:28:41
My URL:http://www.powerup.com.au/~bite_me/index.htm
My Email:bite_me@powerup.com.au
Site Rating: ***********************etc.
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Wayyyyyyyyyy cool page. Good to see the screen shots, and screen saver, not just hints and tips, although they are good too. Wayyyy cool page basically.

Tom Reed - 08/29/98 16:10:42
My URL:http://home.inreach.com/~chieflbm
My Email:chieflbm
Site Rating: ****
Referred By: Metacrawler
Location: Long Beach, CA
Nicely designed site. Abe's Oddessy is the best game I've played in a long time. Finally something instead of the mindless twitch and shoot 'em games.

Kefka1178 - 08/28/98 02:49:34
My Email:Kefka1178@aol.com
Site Rating: ******************************
Referred By: gt webpage
Location: CHICAGO
Webmaster's note: Nothing to say.... but WHAT A RATING!

VSouLForge - 08/26/98 05:17:06
My Email:VSouLForge@AOL.com
Site Rating: ****
Referred By: A Code Q&A page
Location: -=shrugs=-
Webmaster's note: Still no comments but he is from "shrugs" so I guess that explains everything!

Kerri - 08/23/98 17:50:33
Site Rating: bellafemna@aol.com
Referred By: ****
Location: gt
Webmaster's note: We seem a little mixed up here...... wrong stuff in the wrong fields....but I appreciate the signing anyway!

sharon aka faith - 08/22/98 00:10:55
Referred By: forum
Location: Oregon USA
appreciate the site...glad it is still here especially since I seem to be the only person in the world still playing Abe's Odyssey. And if things continue as they are going it will be a long, long time before I am even close to done!!!!!! keep up the g od work...I need all the help I can get!!!!! -SMILE

MartinAlexander - 08/20/98 20:05:31
Site Rating: *****
Referred By: search engine
Location: Newcastle England
Got to the end of Scrabania with no cheats but Im losing it, I know where all the secret Muds are on the way but I can't save any of them
oh well

best game ever (other than abes od) was Gorf, yoooo dieeee space cadettt....

Wolftrot - 08/20/98 06:27:31
My Email:wolftrot@primenet.com
Site Rating: Very well done great!!!! ****
Referred By: Friend
Location: Yuma Arizona
Very surprised to find a site like this..I can tell that a lot of thought and work has gone into it..I never realized that this game had such a following...Keep up the great work and thanks

Isa312 - 08/19/98 20:55:00
My Email:lmedcon@bellatlantic.net
Site Rating: way cool
Location: New Jersey
Webmaster's note: Way cool..... but no other comments! :-(

Mika - 08/19/98 01:03:16
Site Rating: ****
Referred By: from a friend
Location: Finland
Webmaster's note: And no comments from Finland either! Hmmm - does anyone know why people sign these things and say nothing?

Birgitte-M - 08/16/98 11:02:34
My Email:birgitte-m@usa.net.dk
Site Rating: *****
Referred By: GTGames - Forums
Location: Denmark
Great site. Please keep up the good work !

Niteowl - 08/15/98 01:29:03
My Email:prawls@worldpath.net
Site Rating: ******
Referred By: GT forums
Location: N.H. USA
Great game. Saved all 99 Mudokons. Waiting impatiently for Abe's Exoddus.

Dstangle - 08/09/98 20:35:46
My Email:dstangle@computec-net.net
Site Rating: *****
Referred By: Searching
Location: Upstate New York
I have found your site to be most delightful. Easy to use and very straight forward. Everything loaded in an acceptable amount of time. I look forward to the helpful hint section yet to come. I'll be back!

Eveline - 08/09/98 10:45:37
My Email:a.perl@xtra.co.nz
Site Rating: very helpful
Referred By: all about games
Location: New Zealand
great sit, very helpful, as I said. just, with every page i load, i get an error message: line 130 character 1 no such interface is this my problem or yours? I love Abe, I'm not very far yet. I couldn't find the other 14 Mudokons, thanks, I'll start looking for them in the barrels etc. right away.

Lisa Nunez - 08/07/98 04:53:08
My Email:LNunez@mindspring.com
Site Rating: *****
Referred By: GT Games site
Location: Tampa, FL
Just started on the site. Can't really rate it yet. But I'm thrilled that I have a source.

EUNICE - 07/23/98 20:45:16
Site Rating: *****
Referred By: FORUM
Webmaster's note: Even the springboks don't like writing comments!


merach - 07/16/98 05:26:41
My Email:r_arnesen@hotmail.com
Site Rating: ****
Referred By: friend
Location: newzealand
Kiora! no real comments to say except that my thumb thanks you as it is sick of redirecting me through the areas I am stuck on, merach

porty - 07/14/98 06:52:20
My Email:lindian@ihug.co.nz
Site Rating: *****
Referred By: stumbling about
Location: Hamilton, New Zealand
Not a lot, great site but!..................

God (only at the GT forum) - 07/10/98 19:51:46
My Email:solarsistem00@yahoo.com
Site Rating: ****1/2
Referred By: GT forum and Yahoo
Location: Monterrey, México!!!!
Your site is the most completly site about the game I ever see, (in fact, is the only one) the only think that it don't have is all the CD gift to download, because I have the game in PlayStation..So why you don't put sounds (Like the entry Get me out her !) picture and the cursors (well, I tried to put the ones you have, but it didn't work)
Your site its almost perfect, congratulations God

Glenn Chatfield - 07/10/98 05:57:22
My Email:cpproducts@funtv.com
Site Rating: ****1/2
Location: San Diego, CA
good site!

Ernesto J. Ramos - 07/09/98 14:14:56
My Email:ramos@mail1/lat.net
Site Rating: ****
Location: Caracas,Venezuela
Webmaster's note: No comments again.... hmmmmmm !

Dean Petersen - 07/06/98 22:47:26
Referred By: Another web site
Location: Dallas
Can hardly wait for your new additions. The maps alone help, but they do not give the direction I seek. The instructions on the game's scrolling screen will have to suffice.

Jeana - 07/06/98 11:24:29
My Email:mwbrenna@socs.uts.edu.au
Site Rating: five million little stars
Referred By: magic cd cover
Location: sydney australia
Was given this game by my boyfriend in the hope that I would stop whingeing about him spending so much time on the damn computer. The tables have turned!! I'm still rather annoying though because I keep asking for help!!! If this was Easy (ie: a DUMB G RL'S game - no offense sisters!) I would't want to play it! I get a big kick out of being better than him - it's a power thing.
Am still rather hopeless but, have only had Abe at home about a week - am getting quite fond of the little guy - he may replace the boyfriend if boy isn't careful!

Abbie - 07/04/98 17:58:10
My Email:abbie@cats5.demon.co.uk
Site Rating: ****
Referred By: Search
Location: Portsmouth, England
I've been driven mad by this game. I nearly completed it, but then someone told me you needed to save all 99 mudokons, so I started again. Thanks for your help.

Terry C. Pierce - 07/02/98 23:42:55
My Email:TerryCPierce@InfoAve.Net
Site Rating: ***
Referred By: GT Interactive Form
Location: South Carolina
I love the fact that we all can share information (Thanks).

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