Hiya! ^^ I have a banner =P ...

El S� Welcomes you
6/04/2004 - Yea, this site is still alive to some degree =3. I don't have the heart to give it up or delete it, its been my home on the web for the last 4? years. I'm not really sure what to put here at the moment, perhaps I'll think of something soon =3

Sign -OR- View my Guestbook (or both XP)

Now for the pages on my website:
Self Page-Info About me..though why you want to know is beyond me...

Stuff Page-Artwork and other stuff Jazzys done...

Star Ocean: The Second Story PALS

Redmoon Page-Gone cuz I quit redmoon O_o; Might get replaced by a Ragnarok page...should I feel so inclined...
Links Page-Gone cuz all my links were broken anyways =P

We'd like to have you leave on a more thoughtful note...
And don't you forget it!

since 3/18/99... people have come to this site curious as to what its actual purpose is...

BTW, you have NO idea how badly I want to delete the block of code below this..you know..the one that makes those annoying geocities ads pop up...but if I do that...byebye site ^O^; 1