Episode Eleven: The Ties that Bind

The fists flew furiously on the front law of the hospital grounds in the middle of downtown Vienna. Try as he might, Max could not snap Benedict out of his kiss-induced trance. The zombie Juliet's seductive powers were strong, and the only thing Benedict desired at that moment was to embrace her . . . and that meant getting Max out of the way!

If it was the embrace of a beautiful woman that would snap Benedict out of the trance, then it was like divine intervention when two maidenly arms wrapped around Benedict's torso from behind. Like magic - or the dissipation thereof - Benedict roused from his violent stupor. The two men turned to see a comely red-haired young woman shrieking in a Scottish brogue about how such behavior was "unbecoming of members of the Empire Club." Although Max and Benedict hadn't a clue who she was, Deirdre Kayleigh Campbell, of the Glasgow Campbells, knew them well. Determined to make a name for herself and gain admission into the Empire Club some day, Deirdre knew every detail about the lives of every Empire Club Member from New York to Hong Kong. She exhorted the men to "put on some decent clothes" because the reserved tickets for Empire Club members to the American Archaeological Society symposium at the Vienna Civic Centre across the street were waiting for them at the door. Turning their bewildered gazes across the street, Benedict and Max noticed that one of the banners outside the Civic Centre bore the symbol of the Phoenix Horde, Wo-Feng's Mongolian army!

Meanwhile, the real Juliet awoke in the passenger cabin of the Bellerophon, to see below her what appeared to be the Dead Sea, not the Mediterranean. Stirring Alistair, she led him to the cockpit only to find that Sammy was gone, replaced by a zombie replica! Retreating toward the cargo bay, Juliet and Alistair found the real Sammy bound and gagged in a cargo crate. After a bit of a struggle, the crew managed to entrap the zombie in the crate, but by the time they had done so, the Bellerophon had lost so much altitude, that Sammy had no choice but to make an emergency landing in the middle of the Dead Sea. A magnificent, ancient war junk emerged from the fog, piloted by Wo-Feng's son, Hugala Khan, and the crew was taken prisoner, the life raft left to drift . . .

In the limousine on the way back to the Hotel Diplomat, Wilhelm revealed to the zombie Juliet that he knew what she was. Throwing herself on Wilhelm's meager mercy, she confessed that an Indian mystic named Tabar Mahatra, working on behalf of Professor Ozymandius, forced her to drive a wedge between the two Americans. Once he was assured that she had divulged all she knew of Mahatra's doings, Wilhelm, in his trademark fashion, destroyed her.

Max and Benedict arrived at the symposium to find that the guest speaker, and Deirdre's date, was none other than Max's old Princeton University buddy, and world-renowned archaeologist-adventurer, Dr. Indiana Jones. Dr. Jones beseeched the attendants to donate funds to the excavation of the old Hagia Sophia Mosque in Istanbul to renovate the structure into a museum for posterity. Citing, seriatim, the treasures that could be unearthed, he mentioned the famed Gordian Knot, the knot Alexander the Great sliced open, and which, as myth had it, would enable its possessor to determine the fate of all Asia.

Across the continent, Hugala Khan had beaten Jones to the punch at excavating the Hagia Sophia. Alistair, Sammy, Prince Farouk and Juliet were marched as prisoners into the vast excavation site beneath the mosque, where hundreds of shackled prisoners dug and picked at the stone floor in search of the Gordian Knot so that Hugala Khan himself could rule over Asia. Khan promised Mahatra that he would turn Juliet over to Ozymandius in return for his gracious services. Mahatra somberly agreed and removed himself from the dig site as Juliet and her companions were imprisoned in a makeshift cell.

After the symposium, a bomb blast at the Diplomat Hotel obliterated Dr. Jones' hotel room. Max, Benedict and Wilhelm emerged from their own rooms to find a blackened crater where Dr. Jones' bed used to be. Moments later, Dr. Jones emerged, bewildered, from Deirdre Campbell's hotel room, looking in horror at the charred remains of his expedition crew - two dead and one mortally injured. Fearing that the safety of his expedition had been compromised, Dr. Jones resolved to leave immediately, and beseeched Max, Benedict and Wilhelm to help him, in place of his former crew, while Deirdre stayed behind to tend to the sole survivor of the blast.

Max noticed a suspicious man in a fez rushing from the hotel and the heroes gave chase. The man led them to a plane and the heroes hijacked it, making their way to Istanbul where they found the abandoned Bellerophon, and the zombie Sammy, afloat in the Dead Sea. Heading for the mosque, the group stormed the subterranean excavation site, freeing their companions and battling the Phoenix Horde halberdiers only moments after Khan's diggers uncovered their bounty. During the commotion, the braziers lighting the dig site were overturned, setting the site on fire. As Hugala Khan attempted to make an escape with the Gordian Knot by means of a makeshift ladder on the far end of the dig site, Benedict used his Sinanju to hurl a halberd far across the yawning, fiery expanse separating the heroes and Khan. With his dying breath, Khan let the Knot drop into the flames, destroying it, much to Dr. Jones' horror. On the cavern floor, however, one lone slave shattered his shackles with his pick-axe, proclaiming with a newfound hope that the fate of Asia was now no one's to command . . .

Episode Twelve: At the Point of a Dagger

A millennium ago, the Phoenix Horde conquered a proud tribe of Arabian warriors led by Rukh-al-Diin. Although al-Diin was executed, four items in his possession - a dagger, a medallion, a sword, and a spear - were entrusted to an early master of Sinanju, Liu the Lesser.

A similar dagger, obtained in Istanbul, was presented to Dr. Jones, who quickly identified it as a forgery. Blithely, he threw it aside as he took leave of the Empire Club members, but Juliet felt something mystical emanating from the artifact. Upon closer inspection, Wilhelm and Benedict discovered a combination lock on the pommel which revealed a secret compartment. Inside, a map to the "Cave of a Thousand Daggers" led them to the conclusion that the Phoenix Horde Dr. Jones spoke of must be located there, and they set off in search of Cara.

During a stopover in Delhi to tend to Max's wounds, Juliet encountered a vision of the spirit of an aged Korean man who informed her that the dagger had found its owner, and that Benedict must fulfill the prophesy in lieu of Liu the Lesser.

Meanwhile, across the continent, Sir Heathcliffe awoke to find himself in a train carriage, at the pont of Simeon Schrek's gun. When asked, Schrek revealed that he was taking Sir Heathcliffe to his immolation.

In Delhi, Wilhelm, Sammy and Juliet set off to search for some herbs to make a healing salve for Max. As Benedict, Max, and Prince Farouk set off to dispose of a Phoenix Hordesman they had taken prisoner from Istanbul, they noticed that they were being tailed by two Japanese men. Cornered by the heroes, the men, led by one Mr. Moto, revealed that they were emissaries from the Japanese government searching for the fabled weapons of Rukh-al-Diin for their own purposes.

Giving the Phoenix Hordesman a taste of his own medicine, Benedict and Prince Farouk stripped him of everything but a loin cloth and set off to sell the man into slavery. Down a dark alley by a seedy marketplace, they found a small building in which was a band of men wearing the telltale yellow scarf of India's dreaded Thuggee cult. Their leader proclaimed that they would get a good price for the Hordesman, but it would pale in comparison to the price they would get for Benedict and Prince Farouk!

Upon their return to the plane, Wilhelm, Sammy and Juliet elicited from the injured Max a hazy account of the events. As Wilhelm applied the healing poultice to Max's wounds, a company of armed men knocked on the hatch of the plane. King Fuad of Egypt strode in as Wilhelm opened the hatch, demanding that his son be returned to him immediately . . .

Episode Thirteen: Shiva's March

In a far off land in the penumbral regions between time, space and shadow, lay a palatial realm called the Phoenix Palace. It was there that Wo-Feng summoned Cara to meet the erlkonig. He explained that the time had come to chose between her new responsibilities and her friends because Feng and the Phoenix Palace were in imminent danger of destruction. Meanwhile, Simeon Schrek lead Sir Heathcliffe through The Valley of Miseries, by the Ganges River, toward a cave mouth, where he intended to destroy the Great White Hunter and turn him into one of Ozymandius' zombie slaves. Deep in the bowels of the honeycombed cave, in an elaborate throne room, lay the unconscious forms of Prince Farouk, Benedict and the Phoenix Hordesman prisoner. As Sir Heathcliffe was tied up, Schrek and Tabar Mahatra "prepared" the Mongolian for his immolation.

Back at the Bellerophon, Alistair discovered that the secret spy radio transmitter he carried in his bag had enabled the King to track the plane to Delhi. Wilhelm convinced the King to allow the party twenty-four hours to deliver his son. Following Max's hazy account of Benedict and Prince Farouk's intention to sell the Phoenix Hordesman into slavery, the party made their way to the seedy Subai Marketplace, where they found a beggar selling the Prince's fez and Benedict's jacket for a pittance. Wilhelm's merciless interrogation techniques revealed that the beggar found the items in a nearby building where bodies were strewn about with a distinct blood-red mud caked on their boots. Recognizing the mud from the dreaded "Valley of Miseries," Wilhelm directed the party to the site, where they discovered the cave mouth that led them to the throne room where the remainder of the party was bound. The group battled their way through the Janissary guards in a futile effort to rescue their companions. As Benedict was mortally wounded in the battle, Simeon Schrek revealed himself, claiming to have obtained a higher consciousness when Tabar Mahatra animated him from the dead. Believing himself to be Shiva incarnate, the Hindu God of Destruction, Schrek presented himself as the "Dead Night Tiger" and revealed his intention to use the Dagger of al-Diin to take over The Phoenix Palace and assume his rightful position of erlkonig, coveted by his former employer, Professor Ozymandius.

Juliet commenced a convocation ritual to summon the spirit of the aged Korean Sinanju master who originally stood against Wo-Feng, Liu the Lesser himself! Liu's spirit appeared and healed Benedict as Juliet announced to the Janissaries that Schrek was an imposter and that Benedict was the true Night Tiger. With the spirit of Liu as Benedict's testament, Benedict and his newfound army descended upon the zombie Schrek like carrion upon a cadaver.

With an army of warriors in tow, the heroes retrieved Prince Farouk and returned him to King Fuad, who awaited their return in Delhi. During the commotion of the Prince's return, Juliet pilfered the Crown Jewels of Egypt right out from under the King's chiseled nose and hurriedly ushered her companions back to the Bellerophon, which was far to small to transport the hundreds of Janissaries to the Cave of a Thousand Daggers.

Wilhelm contacted his old friend, Haitian ship captain Toussaint D'Artagenauve, known more affably as Mr. Darvy. Mr. Darvy readily agreed to transport the Janissaries to mainland China on his ship The Jade Nile, particularly when he learned that their mission was to rescue his farmer ward and "Mojo Princess," Cara, from the clutches of the warlord Wo-Feng. Meeting the crew of the Bellerophon in Bangkok, Juliet gave Wilhelm two of the pieces of the Egyptian crown jewels, one of which was intended as payment to Mr. Darvy for his services.

Upon docking in mainland China and marching the entire day, the crews of the Bellerophon and The Jade Nile, and the army of Janissaries, encountered a group of fifth columnist Phoenix Hordesmen, who agreed to march along side their impressive phalanx to storm Wo-Feng's Phoenix Palace. At first light, the allied armies marched on, and found the fabled Cave of a Thousand Daggers with the help of the indigenous yeti beasts of legend. Benedict conducted an ancient ritual to locate The Phoenix Palace by shedding the blood of an "unsuspecting enemy," in this case, the Janissary who revealed the Valley of Miseries to Schrek. As the dagger began to glow and melt away, the drops of molten metal formed a portal through which a forbidding mountain pass and stone wall could be seen.

Standing before the army and their allies, Benedict shouted, "Forward, to vengeance!" and led the impressive phalanx through the portal to confront Wo-Feng one last time . . .

Episode Fourteen: Death, Then Life Again

Laying siege to Wo-Feng's ancient Phoenix Palace, the heroes, allied with the Janissaries of Arabia, the native yeti beasts of Mongolia, the crew of The Jade Nile, and the fifth columnist Phoenix Hordesmen, stormed the palace grounds as Wo-Feng's minions, the halberdiers of the Phoenix Horde, confronted their attackers with their blades whirling. Sammy Palermo and Max arrived in the Bellerophon with none other than the young Janos Proshaka (soon to be of The Black Hawks) and his airborne comrades-in-arms in tow to aid in the assault on the Phoenix Palace. With the help of Juliet's master thieving skills and Max's daredevil derring-do, the heroes gained ingress to the mystical fortress, but not before Wo-Feng had begun the resurrection ritual of the mythical Phoenix, calling upon its magic to grant him more power than even the mightiest of the erlkonigs of the Black Lodge. The ancient manna of the Phoenix was far too great for even the elder sorcerer, however, and it drove him mad with power. Before the great bird arose from its ashes, it commanded Wo-Feng to sacrifice a life force to sustain its own. Wo-Feng chose his own protégée, Cara, and slowly began to draw her into the ethereal abyss of the Phoenix's dimension.

Sammy bailed out of the Bellerophon as the risen Phoenix sent it into a fiery tailspin. However, before the monstrous avian could wreak more havoc, the beckoning of Mr. Darvy and Sir Heathcliffe sufficed to extricate Cara from Wo-Feng's mysterious mental grasp. For lack of a life force, the Phoenix crumbled back to ash, and Wo-Feng joined it, consumed by its magical energy . . .

Episode Fifteen: Crinolines and Crossbows

After the immolation of Wo- Feng, the band of heroes turned the Phoenix Palace over to Wei-chun and the Mongolians, and made their way back on horse and on foot in search of some recognizable port. Coming out of the mountains, they happened upon a tiny village with a Buddhist temple. With no other accommodations in sight, they entreated the monks of the temple to give them sanctuary. The heroes repaired an old radio set which the monks had in a back chamber of the temple, and were able to call for transport from a Chinese shipping service. Janos Proshaka and his compatriots arrived, and in their care, the heroes were transported back to Hong Kong.

At Lotos Mansion, the Hong Kong Empire Club, the members planned a gala fete to celebrate the return of Cara Al-Moud, to begin with an early supper banquet, followed by a party in the harbor on a yacht that Wilhelm procured. Before the banquet, Max and Juliet, looking for suitable gifts, went to a small shop in the city and were accosted by minions of the vampire Vlad Tepes, seeking revenge for the slaying of their master at the meeting of the Black Lodge. Max and Juliet were rescued from their assailants by Benedict, now the Night Tiger of the Janissaries, who assured Max that he will always be watching from afar and available should the need arise. Grateful, Max and Juliet returned to Lotos Mansion, where Juliet presented Cara with a ruby from the crown jewels of Egypt set in a gold necklace. Heathcliffe presented Cara with a lovely Walther P38 pistol.

At the banquet, Cara ran into an old friend, her sponsor for membership, soldier of fortune Adam Tempus, who was accompanied by the lovely Deirdre Campbell, in the latest of her many attempts to procure a sponsor for membership to the Empire Club. Adam had been in Hong Kong investigating a series of bizarre pirate raids that had taken place in the area, and accepted Cara's invitation to attend the fete.

That evening, on board the yacht, Chinese Gangster and patriot Jimmy Sung arrived with "Number Two" of his Tong Family, Danny "Killer" Mak, whom the heroes met the previous night in a Hong Kong nightclub. Also present at the yacht party was scientist Wesley Dodds and Sir Heathcliffe's game-hunting rival, Reginald Hollingsly-Smythe. As the boat set sail in the harbor for a lovely evening of frolic, an unusual vessel with strange flashing lights accosted the yacht and hypnotized the unwitting passengers with a mysterious, blinding strobe light . . .