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+++++++++++++RECEIVED: 1223998/M41



+++++++++++++DATE: 1222998/M41

+++++++++++++REF: GMDA/001115562/AT

+++++++++++++BY: Grand Master Azrael

+++++++++++++RE: Tactical Considerations

+++++++++++++THOUGHT: Who Dares Wins

Master Jarrel Atredies in light of the recent and unfortunate loss of Company Master B’elial I promote you with a field commission to the rank of Company Master. Although a promotion of this type is never a happy moment, I know that you will rise to the occasion. Master B'elial was a dear friend and an accomplished soldier. But the time for remembering his sacrifice is at an end.

In light of the current conflict you are involved in I believe a direct assault against the planetary governmental seat of Sirrius Prime will prove fruitful. However I trust you and what tactics you will utilize to end this conflict soon. Although Terra has demanded the immediate execution of Governor Tarkanus, he must be captured. The Inner Circle believes he has information pertinent to our crusade. Included in this communiqué is information on different tactical considerations. This has been compiled from countless years of combat. In your darkest hours remember the Emperor of Mankind leads men to deep water not to drown them but to cleanse them. May the spirit of our great primarch guide you in your new position.




Deployment of Forces:

In the deployment of your forces you must consider a few things. The primary consideration is what type of forces you are facing. Unfortunately for many marine commanders they do not always know what they are facing. An old marine adage says, "First to go last to know". The best thing any marine commander can do is know his forces better than he knows his bolter. The following discussion will be broken up into two parts. The first part will discuss forces available to the Dark Angel commander and the second part will deal with how to deal with various forces throughout the galaxy.

Fast Attack
Heavy Support

Dark Angel Forces:


In choosing your force there are a few things to take into consideration. First what is the size of your force and second what your needs are vs. your wants. Basically any marine army has these choices. The real thought that one must have is how many points do I really want to spend. What you gain for 15 points on a hero is a wound and a point of leadership. This is pretty standard on any of the characters.

First Dark Angel Commanders will immediately begin to recognize that their characters are going to be more expensive. Their characters must have terminator honors and the stubborn skill. This however pays off in the long run with units that have staying power. Also the extra attack offsets the points cost. As for equiping the hero the Sword of Retribution is a great choice, but I tend to equip my Chapter Master with a master crafted power fist. He may get picked on, but if he connects something is going to die.

Although many marine commanders opt not to include a Librarian, librarians are useful. Especially since they can choose their powers. Now powers choices are up to the idividual. I personally enjoy Vortex of Doom. It can affect a lot of different armies because it requires them to roll beneath their initiative. This can be very devastating to Tau, Necrons, IG, Orks, and Eldar. In addition the Force Axe that a librarian can carry is helpful against multiple wound targets.

A Chaplain of any kind is a great choice for any army because they are great in hand to hand and they can carry the Blades of Reason. The blades are great because in close battles using victory points they can tip the balance of the outcome in their favor. The other nice thing about the chaplain is the rosarius that they come with. The unmodifiable save lets the chaplain shrug off wounds that would kill a lesser man. The Litanies of Hate are very devastating. The ability to re-roll missed to hit rolls is amazing. I would almost always field this close assault monster with an assault squad, or terminator assault squad.

Command squads are useful in that they provide protection to the character they accompany. This is the only way a Dark Angels player can have a veteran squad. However in smaller games just use normal troop selections and attach the character to the unit using the independent character rule because the point cost is just so expensive. However in larger style games the command squad becomes very useful. The best use of the command squad can be seen in the Banner Of Devastation. This lowly banner gives one unit in your army, within six inches of the bearer, the ability to fire in the opposing players Assault Phase. Very useful if you need to tip an important combat to your favor.


Deathwing terminators are the bread and butter elite forces for the Dark Angels. Their best mode of operation is use of the Deep Strike. However this has become a risky option because of how the deep strikers show up now. This is a useful option because they can strike anywhere on the battlefield withering troops in the rear with a fusillade of withering storm bolter fire. This tactic is now best used with the support of characters/ sergeants packing Teleport Homers. The heavy weapons they carry can add to the power of the opening round of shooting. These troops are great for reserve troops because they can pack the needed punch in the direst of times.

With the addition that any marine force can take Venerable Dreadnoughts, Dreadnoughts have become the greatest asset to any marine force. They can be adapted to fit your mission specific needs. In hand to hand combat they become a fearsome opponent. They also perform admirably when equipped as a devastator dreadnought. Dark angels also have the unique Mortis Dreadnoughts whisc allow them to field two of the same weapon type arms. (TL Heavy Bolter, TL Autocannon, TL Las Cannon, Missle Launcher.) Also Dark Angels and their successor chapters are the only ones that can field Dreadnoughts with Plasma Cannons. Keep in mind what you need this dreadnought for. By doing this the weapon choices, and the venerable skill you select will become apparent.


The tactical squad is one of the best options for any marine commander. They have such a wide array of options. The weapon choices they have can also help them deal with tanks or millions of swarming troops. Regardless of the situation they can be equipped to deal with it. With regard to their weapon choices the heavy weapons cover three areas. The Heavy Bolter is great for anti-troop. The Plasma Cannon is great for busting heavy troops and light vehicles. The Missile Launcher is great for either anti-troop or anti-tank. The Multi-Melta is perfect as a close in vehicle or heavy troop buster. The Las Cannon is perfect for anti-tank and for busting terminators.

The special weapons have their uses to. Flamers are perfect against mob/ hoard armies. They can inflict a lot of casualties and be used in the assault. Plasma Guns are perfect against high toughness or high save opponents. They are best deployed in units that are going to take advantage of sitting back and shooting since they are a rapid fire weapon. Melta Guns are a great overall support weapon because they can soften up the enemy by dropping a powerful shot into them as the assault is happening. Also they are great for close in vehicle kills.

Scouts have another role that is extremely helpful to any war effort. The ability to infiltrate is infinitely useful. They can deploy closer to the enemy in order to harass their flanks. Scouts with sniper rifles can be especially handy against targets with high toughness. The two heavy weapons available have good points, which has already been discussed.

The vehicles available to these units are great because they can act like mobile bunkers. In addition they can improve the firepower of the unit by giving HK missiles, or heavy fire from a Razorback’s turret.


Fast Attack:

The first troop type discussed here is the Assault Squad. It is a great squad in that they can get across the field quickly. They run the risk of dying if they land in terrain but the risk is outstripped by the benefit. These units are especially good at getting up close and personal with tanks and breaking them open with melta bombs. Armed with melta bombs and plasma pistols these units have no trouble handling whatever situation they are given. Frag grenades also aid these marines in tackling units that are dug in or hiding in terrain.

The Ravenwing bikes are one this chapter’s greatest assets. They have a few abilities that make them indispensable. First they can "jink" enemy fire. Meaning that they can easily dodge shots that would instantly kill them. Having a higher toughness aids them also because they withstand close combats and they can shrug off most small arms fire. Given the ability to pack two special weapons also makes them a force to be reckoned with. These can be of special concern to tank commanders because they can get up close quickly and blast tanks into dust.

Attack Bikes are second to none in that they share the same abilities as the regular bikes. Additionally these bikes pack the punch of the multi-melta. This deadly weapon's punch is greatly enhanced at closer range. The best feature of these vehicles are they can absorb hits while getting in close, and they can fire their gun whilst moving. These bikes also can be fitted with the heavy bolter, but this option is best utilized against hoard armies.

Finally the chapter has a wide array of Land Speeders. The most common variation is the heavy bolter, or heavy bolter/ assault cannon version. Although these vehicles can be equipped with different varriations of weapons, these variations have proved the most faithful throughout our chapter's proud history. The chapter also has access to the Typhoon variant which has shown remarkable effects against light vehicles, high toughness creature and general hoard dispersal.


Heavy Support:

Dark Angels have a wide array of heavy support choices. The most obvious of these choices is the tried and true Devastator Squads. These squads really should deployed at their full strength of ten men. When deployed in this manner it increases the survivability of these troops. These troops are your most versatile because they can take a wide variety of heavy weapons. To increase their effectiveness they should not have more than two different weapon types. (e.g. fielding two Lascannons with two Multi-Meltas) This gives the squad a specific job.

Tank units fill out the rest of the Heavy Support choices. The Predator is a mainstay tank of any Marine army. The basic Predator is great at busting heavily armed troops, light vehicles, and the occaisional heavy vehicles. While The Predator Anihilator is better in the role of a tank buster. The Predator makes a great response unit to fast moving armies. It can reposition itself faster than Devastator units.

The next tank that no Commander should go into the field without is the Whirlwind. This Tank has proven itself time and again by dropping ordinance in the center of troop collums. This will cause panic and usually cause troops to go to ground. Additionally it can reshape the battlefield by dropping Castellan Mines on the field. Even against the forces of Chaos Marines it can cause damage. This weapon should NEVER be underestimated.

The companion to the Whirlwind is the Vindicator. The Vindicator isn't as fast responding as the Predator, but its Demolisher Cannon will keep lanes free of troops and tanks. It will usually keep an area around the tank free of enemy units, because if they don't they end up as part of the terrain they are usually vaporised. This tank also works well with the Whirlwind because the Whirlwind can herd troops into the Vindicator's range.

Finally the last and most powerful tank in the Marine arsenal: the mighty Land Raider. This tank combines transport ability, fire power, and tough armor. It has the ability to carry small squads of terminators or full squads of troops. Because of its Machine Spirit it is able to continue moving and fighting although it has taken massive damage. This tank will atract fire like moths to flame, but don't worry it usually will stick around untill the end of the fight.

The Land Raider's main variant, the Crusader, is best used for command squads. This tank is best used while constantly on the go. If you want to press home an advantage this is the best tank to do this with. Also both of these tanks are currently the only tanks that can be assaulted from. Which gives a huge advantage to the marine player.







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