This scroll was originally written by, Master Navarre-,
First Captain of Port Kar.
It has been edited for purposes of Real Life.

kajira training lecture 2

Meaning of the Positioning of the Hands

Palms upwards, or facing outwards, is indicative of submission, vulnerability, and surrender to the Master. [Also shows that the slave is not concealing anything from the FP] Fingers spread wide apart is further indication of both vulnerability to the Master, and desire for him.

Meaning of Eyes Downcast

Proper decorum and submission calls for the eyes to be downcast unless the head is positioned to indicate otherwise, or the Master has commanded otherwise. In the books it is common for kajir to gaze at the Master's eyes unless the kajir is in trouble and seeking to demonstrate fully her submission.


Crawling on the belly is used for very specific reasons, the first of which is to placate a Master if the Master is upset or the kajira has made a serious mistake. The second is to communicate need for the Master: the need to demonstrate submission and/or the need to communicate a sexual desire, depending on how it is done. And last, crawling is used in the performance of certain forms of obeisance. Other than that, do not crawl! A Gorean kajir is supposed to be proud. The kajira should be proud of her skill and talent, her capacity for love and devotion, and her ability to be pleasing.

Gor is Fair

It has been said over and over and over again: Gor is not fair. It is used as justification for all manner of behavior, or to explain an unhappiness. It sounds good, too. Unfortunately, it's not very accurate. Gor is extremely fair, it is the epitome of fairness. When kajir takes a collar, it is by the kajir's choice that they did so. They know the possible consequences of taking that collar, and what it means. Unfair? No. Gor is full of consequences, and people accepting and living with those consequences to their actions. If anything, Gor may be likened to a force of nature in that the natural course of events will follow, regardless of what others may think is fair or unfair. A thunderstorm is not fair, nor is it unfair, any more than a breezy warm summer day. Gor is Gor. And because we have all chosen to be of Gor, Gor is Fair.


As with so many other aspects of Gor, even the kneeling of the kajir before the Master has meaning and significance.

22:156 It is customary for a kneeling kajira to kneel a few feet back from the Master. The kneeling itself expresses the kajira's servitude and submission. The distance serves four primary purposes:

· Symbolizes in both distance and height differential, the social difference between the Master and slave;
· Puts the slave where the Master can view her fully, for a kneeling woman is an incredibly beautiful woman;
· Puts enough space between the Master and the slave so that the releasing of his rapacity is more likely to require a conscious decision, rather than a reflexive reaction;
· Gives the kajir room to maneuver into commanded positions

Ways to Communicate Need to a Master

Gor is rich with metaphor and symbology and ritual, some of which may be utilized as shown below to tell a Master of your sexual needs, without being unduly blatant about it.

· Talenders in the hair, or given to him
· Tie a loose knot in the hair on the right side, let it hang over the cheek [known as the 'bondage' knot]
· Kneeling nadu, eros (as the pleasure slave)
· Body touchings
· Palms up, facing him
· Offer fruit, holding it next to her body

A verbal method which can be used is to bring the wine, serve it, then beg him to take the Second Wine (herself).