
Male Silvanesti elf Clr15 of Sirrion: CR 15; ECL 15; Medium humanoid; HD 15d8; hp 77; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 22 (touch 10, flat-footed 22); Atk +17/+12/+7 melee (1d8+6/20, +4 heavy mace); SA turn undead/water, rebuke fire 10/day; SQ none; AL LN; SV Fort +9/0, Ref +5/0, Will +9/5; Str 14, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 19, Wis 20, Cha 17. Height 6 ft. 0 in. Xp 105,000. [0]

Skills and Feats: 36, Concentration +18/0, Knowledge (arcana) +18/4, Knowledge (religion) +18/4, Speak Language (Common), Spellcraft +18/4; Extend Spell, Extra Turning, Improved Turning, Maximize Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell.

Special Attack: Turn Undead (Su): as 16th-level at +2.

Special Qualities: none.

Cleric Spells per Day: 6/7+d/6+d/5+d/5+d/4+d/3+d/2+d/1+d. Base DC = 15 + spell level. Caster level 15th. Domains: Fire (turn water, rebuke fire), Passion (rage 1/day). Prepared Spells: /bless**, burning hands{d}, comprehend languages*, protection from undead*, random action{d}*, sanctuary*, shield of faith*/bear's endurance*, eagle's splendour*, lesser restoration*, owl's wisdom*, produce flame{d}*, shatter*, Tasha's uncontrollable hideous laughter{d}/continual flame*, dispel magic*, magic vestment*, rage{d}, resist energy (fire/cold){d}, searing light**/crushing despair{d}, death ward**, neutralize poison*, restoration**, wall of fire{d}*/break enchantment, fear{d}, fire shield{d}*, plane shift*, (maximized searing light)**, true seeing*/blade barrier*, fire seeds{d}, greater heroism{d}*, undeath to death**/fire storm{d}, (silent still plane shift)*, resurrection*, song of discord{d}, (maximized wall of fire)*/incendiary cloud{d}, Otto's irresistable dance{d}*, summon monster VIII.

Signature Possessions: +3 breastplate, +2 heavy steel shield, bracers of armour +4, scroll (restoration x2), sroll (heal, raise dead, restoration).

Physical description: .

Background: .

Soth Fight: Cast: . Current HP: 68. 1