Catlindra Serpentar
Female human Ftr12: CR 12; ECL 12; BN 0; Medium humanoid; HD 12d10+24; hp 116; Init +6; Spd 20 ft.; AC 28 (touch 13, flat-footed 25); Atk +19/+14/+9 melee (1d8+7/20, +3 catlash) or +19/+14/+9 melee (1d3+8/20, gauntlet of valour) or +18/+13/+8 missile (1d4+7/19-20, +2 dagger) or +16 ranged touch (3d6 force plus +2 bull rush, gauntlet of valour); SA none; SQ none; AL NG; SV Fort +8/2, Ref +4/6, Will +4/5; Str 20, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16. Height 5 ft. 0 in. Xp [4,125]
Skills, Feats, and Traits: Bluff +4/3, Diplomacy +8/3, Intimidate +0/0, Knowledge (local) +4/2, Listen +1/5, Perform (comedy) +1/3, Perform (dance) +1/3, Perform (oratory) +1/3, Profession (sailor) +3/3, Sense Motive +2/4, Speak Language (Common, Damaran), Spot +1/7, Survival +7/3, Swim +5/4, Tumble +2/4; Alertness, Blind-Fight, Blooded, Close-Quarters Fighting, Combat Expertise, Endurance, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (scourge), Feign Weakness, Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (unarmed), Weapon Specialization (unarmed); Polite, Suspicious.
Signature Possessions: catlash, +3 breastplate, +5 large steel shield, +2 dagger, gauntlet of valour, ring of spell turning, potion of shield of faith (+3), longsword, gorget, dagger, overbelt, purse (100 pp), high hard boots, scabbard, belt.
Physical Description: Long brown hair, green eyes, slim, gracerful figure, white sword-scar on left cheek. 33 years old, and only 109 pounds.
Background: Catlindra was born in Impiltur to merchant parents, and spent her youth on heaving ships on the Inner Sea and dusty roads around it, seeing the Realms as her parents built a fortune dealing shrewdly in whatever folk needed most. Always teased or tormented by local children wherever they stopped, Catlindra developed a fierce temper and much skill at scrapping. By the time her parents retured to a luxurious walled mansion in Selgaunt, Catlindra had developed into an unruly beauty who had already killed would-be thieves and others who attacked her on the road.
When her mother was slain by a doppleganger, Catlindra was the one who discovered the deception--and slew her false mother bloodily before her father's eyes. The shock robbed him of his sanity, and drove Catlindra to find something to do besides care for her catatonic father. She used her money to found an adventuring company, gathering disaffected women from the young, bored daughters of the Sembian rich, and the Company was born. Their first stiff test was a fight with a wizard south of Haptooth, who sent undead against them. From them they gained more riches, spellbooks--and the catlash. Since then, the Company has known seven winters of hard venturing, and made a name for themselves in the Vilhon.
Role-Playing: Catlindra prides herself on her able, forseeing leadership, and tries to keep her band strong and content, going from victory to victory. She sees a future of helping make the Dales a safer place, and perhaps someday ruling a wilderness stronghold of her own--either founding and building it, or cleansing a Dale or rural village fallen on hard times or under evil rule. She dreams of walking with great and powerful rulers, and calling them friends--and is fascinated by the Harpers, whom she'd like to become one of, if she could only discover how.
Notes: Catlindra is wary but polite to strangers, using the manners of the few non-proud and haughty Sembian nobles she's met. She is always alert for treachery or danger, always thinking several steps ahead--and is a very good judge of character, seeming to feel when something is wrong or deceitful.
Catlash: A very rare, though not unique, magical item from Mulhorandi. It is a seven-stranded whip whose tentacles extend out to a dozen feet as it is striking, and then retract to two feet in length. It should be treated as a +2 holy scourge with a reach of 10 feet. If the item is ever forced to make a saving throw against a magical effect and succeeds, the magical effect is randomly transformed into another effect upon a random target without having its original effect; this power affects area spells. Scourges grant +2 to disarm checks and can be used to make trip attacks. Caster Level: 11th.
Gauntlet of Valour: This +1 gauntlet renders its wearer immune to enchantment effects and once every 10 minutes can be used to strike as if spending 3 charges with a ring of the ram. Any time the ramming or immunity abilities are used, there is a 1% chance the gauntlet randomly teleports away, inflicting 1d12 point of normal damage and 1d2 points of permanent damage (cannot be healed by any means) on its wielder. As a minor artifact, the gauntlet passes all saving throws automatically and cannot be dispelled. The gauntlet cannot be removed as long as the wearer lives (or unlives, if applicable). Caster Level: 20th.