Jandeth Ilmura

Female human Clr9/Wpr2 of Tymora: CR 11; ECL 11; BN 0; Medium humanoid; HD 11d8+11; hp 82; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 22 (touch 14, flat-footed 21); Atk +10/+10 melee (1d4+2/20, claws) or +11/+6 melee touch (1d6+5 fire/18, flame blade) or +10/+5 melee (1d8/20, heavy mace or morningstar); SA turn undead 10/day; SQ mutation, morale, inflame; AL CG; SV Fort +9/1, Ref +3/2, Will +6/4; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 17. Height 5 ft. 11 in. Xp [4,078]

Skills, Feats, and Traits: Bluff +6/3, Concentration +7/1, Craft (weaving) +6/2, Diplomacy +5/7, Escape Artist +0/-3, Gather Information +0/4, Heal +1/4, Intimidate +0/2, Knowledge (religion) +6/2, Ride +6/2, Sense Motive +5/3, Speak Language (Chondathan, Common), Spellcraft +7/2, Swim +6/2; Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Extra Turning, Leadership, Weapon Focus (scimitar); Easygoing, Skinny.

Special Attacks: Turn Undead: 2d4+5/2d6+12.

Special Qualities: Spontaneous casting of cure spells. Mutation: Jandeth has clawed feet as a result of a Mythal mutation. Rally (Ex): allies within 60 feet may make a Will save with a +2 morale bonus if suffering from a fear effect; Inflame (Ex): with a 5 minute speech, Jandeth gives a +2 morale bonus to saving throws against any charm or fear effect for 7 minutes; Items/Spells (Su): 20% miss chance.

Cleric Spells per Day: 6/5+d/5+d/4+d/4+d/2+d. Base DC = 14 + spell level. Domains: Glory (+2 bonus to turning checks and +1d6 to turning damage), Luck (Ex)(reroll one roll just made 1/day), Protection (Sp)(add +9 resistance bonus by touch to creature's next saving throw within 1 hour). Caster level 10th. Spells Prepared: detect magic***, light***/bless**, disrupt undead{d}, divine favour*, doom*, entropic shield{d}*, sanctuary{d}, shield of faith*/aid{d}, bless weapon{d}*, bull’s strength*, flame blade***, hold person*, shield other{d}/dispel magic*, glyph of warding*, invisibility purge*, protection from energy{d}*, remove curse*, searing light{d}/death ward*, freedom of movement{d}, holy smite{d}*, neutralize poison, recitation[DotF]*, restoration*, spell immunity{d}, unfailing endurance[DotF], weapon of the deity[DotF]*/bear’s heart[DotF]*, break enchantment{d}, holy sword{d}, spell resistance{d}*, true seeing*.

Signature Possessions: minor cloak of displacement, ring of protection +3, wand of silent image [47], morningstar, heavy mace, full plate, 100 pp.

Special: Jandeth has found a clerical version of flame blade which she uses extensively.

Physical Description: 33 years old, 106 lbs., long brown hair, blue eyes. Slim, graceful figure with clawed feet.

Background: A soft-spoken, demure beauty from the backrooms of a bawdy theatre in Ordulin, Jandeth has always dreamed of a life of bold adventure. At length she summoned the courage to pray to Tymora in an all-night vigil-and was promptly rewarded by witnessing a robbery of a theatre by night. Slipping out after the thieves with some hazy idea of catching them, she watched them literally run into several priestesses of Tymora. A fight ensued, and Jandeth clumsily aided the Tymorans. They rewarded her with a place in Tymora’s service, once they learned her desires.

For the next decade, she adventured in the Dales and Moonsea North, guarding temple-sponsored caravans and aiding the unfortunate and lone travelers beset by monsters or misfortune.

On a rare caravan run into Sembia, she met a happy, high-spirited band of lady adventurers, the Company of the Catlash-and promptly heard a voice in her head, bidding her to join them. Taking this message as the will of Tymora, she did so, and has been a happy member of the Company ever since.

Personality: Jandeth lives for the moment, exulting in adventure and in seeing the marvels of Faerun. She hopes to someday achieve power enough to go on adventures that really influence life (for the better) in the Dales. She tends to give strangers the benefit of any doubts, seeing good before evil.