Shaliira Duon, "Shalrissa"
Female half-elf Swa4/Wiz12: CR 16; ECL 16; BN 0; Medium humanoid; HD 12d4+4d10+32; hp 97; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (touch 15, flat-footed 11); Atk +16/+11 melee (1d4+9/19, +1 everbright dagger) or +14/+9 missile (1d4+5/20, dart); SA insightful strike; SQ elven traits, grace; AL CG; SV Fort +8/1, Ref +5/5, Will +9/2; 1, Str 17, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 14. Height 5 ft. 4 in. Xp [3,166]
Skills, Feats, and Traits: Balance +9/4, Bluff +6/2, Climb +1/4, Concentration +11/2, Craft (painting) +5/5, Escape Artist +4/5, Handle Animal +2/2, Jump +2/4, Knowledge (arcana) +10/5, Knowledge (the planes) +5/5, Listen +3/2, Perform (dance) +4/4, Profession (waitress) +2/1, Ride +2/4, Search +0/6, Sense Motive +10/1, Speak Language (Common, Elven, 4), Spellcraft +11/5, Spot +3/2, Swim +1/4, Tumble +7/4; Dodge, Eschew Materials, Mobility, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Skill Focus (perform), Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (dagger); Plucky, Skinny.
Special Attacks: Insightful Strike (Ex): add Int bonus to damage with light weapons or those usable with Weapon Finesse but not against creatures immune to criticals.
Special Qualities: Immunities: sleep; +2 save against Enchantment; low-light vision; +1 racial bonus to Listen and Spot. Familiar: 12th. Grace (Ex): +1 competence bonus to Reflex saves.
Wizard Spells per Day: 4/10/5/5/4/4/2. Base DC = 15 + spell level. Caster level 12th. Spells Known: detect magic*, mage hand*, prestidigitation*, read magic*/charm person*, colour spray, detect undead, identify*, lesser electric orb[TaB]*, mage armour*, magic missile****, protection from evil*, shield*, silent image*/detect thoughts*, flaming sphere*, glitterdust, (silenced magic missile)*, mirror image, see invisibility*, web*/dispel magic*, displacement*, fireball*, fly*, haste, lightning bolt*, magic circle against evil/dimension door*, fire shield*, ice storm*, stoneskin*, thunderlance[FRCS]/dismissal*, Horizikaul’s versatile vibration[MoF]*, lesser ironguard[FRCS], wall of force**/contingency, minor globe of psionic invulnerability[web]*, mislead*.
Signature Possessions: +1 everbright dagger, ring of protection +1, ring of wizardry I, potion of aid, tabard (painted like scale mail), travelling spellbook (copper covers), dagger, belt, high hard boots (heel detaches to become dagger), 3 darts, backpack, travel clothes, undergarments, cloth bag, 102 pp, 19 gp, 8 sp, 6 cp, 6 carnelians (90 gp), 4 sapphires (1,800 gp), diamond (7,100 gp), 13 art.
Physical Description: 33 years old, 89 pounds, long blonde hair, liquid blue-green eyes. Slim, almost boyish figure, graceful, smooth.
Background: Born in Deepingdale to an elven mother, Shaliira grew up travelling around Sembia, as her mother searched for the travelling human merchant who was Shaliira’s father. She finally found him a night too late-in a tavern in Ordulin, dying from the poisoned blade of a Cult of the Dragon agent. Shaliira’s grieving mother soon died, and Shaliira was left to dance and wait tables in Sembian taverns to earn a living. Her experiences have left her with a hatred for drunks and tavern rowdies, accomplished skills as a dancer, and a driving desire to make something of herself and to master enough magic to someday speak with her father. She hopes to get to know this dead man through talking with him.
Personality: Shaliira dreams of becoming important, well-known, and well regarded. She desperately needs to belong-to this Company, to a community, or to other fellowships or groups, and won’t rest until she has carved out or found herself a place of worth and acceptance, somewhere. Her treatment in taverns has taught her to be wary of men who only see her grace and fey beauty, but she always hopes that each new face will become that of a friend, and is slower to sink blades into them than some of her companions in the Company.
Minor Globe of Psionic Invulnerability: treat this spell in all ways as a regular minor globe of invulnerability except that it affects psionics instead of magic.