Taruele Elfrost

Female advanced shocker lizard Wiz12: CR 17; ECL 19; EL 17; BN 0; Medium magical beast; HD 12d4+5d10+51; hp 121; Init +5; Spd 40 ft.*, climb 20 ft.*, swim 20 ft.*; AC 28/4 (touch 17, flat-footed 23); Atk +13 melee (1d6+2/20, bite*) or +13/+8/+3 melee (1d4+2/19, dagger) or +16/+11/+6 missile (1d4+2/20, sling) or +13/+8/+3 melee vs dragons (4d6+7 plus 1 fire/19, +2 red dragonfang dragon bane greatsword); SA stunning shock, lethal shock; SQ darkvision 60 ft.*, electricity sense*, immunity to electricity*, low-light vision*; AL CG; SV Fort +8/3, Ref +8/5/2, Will +9/3; Str 15, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 19/2, Wis 17, Cha 14. Height 6 ft. 0 in. Xp 136,000. [5,212] *lost in elf form

Skills, Feats, and Traits: Appraise +6/8, Bluff +7/2, Climb +0/13, Concentration +17/3/4, Diplomacy +9/1, Disguise +0/4/10, Escape Artist +0/6, Heal +8/5, Hide +0/9, Intimidate +0/3, Knowledge (arcana) +17/5, Listen +0/7, Perform (sing) +10/2, Profession (courtesan) +5/3, Profession (herbalist) +14/3, Sense Motive +0/4, Sleight of Hand +0/7, Speak Language (Chondathan, Common, Elven, Gnome, Gnoll, Goblin, Halfling), Spellcraft +17/5, Spot +9/7, Swim +0/13; Alertness (familiar), Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mercantile Background, Scribe Scroll, Signature Spell (magic missile), Spell Mastery (charm monster, fireball, magic missile, rope trick), Spell Penetration; Skinny, Suspicious.

Special Attacks: Stunning Shock (Su): 1/round against 1 target within 5 ft., 3d8 nonlethal damage, Reflex DC 15 halves; Lethal Shock (Su): requires other shocker lizards.

Special Qualities: Shocker Lizard: 5 HD magical beast, +4 Dex, +2 Con, +3 natural AC, bite 1d6, +4 racial bonus to Hide, +2 to Listen and Spot, +8 to Climb and Swim, use Dex modifier for Climb and Swim, may take 10 on Climb and Swim, ECL +2. Electricity Sense (Ex): 100 ft. Summon Familiar: 12th, +3 to Appraise. Items/Spells (Su): alter self (elf) (Spd 30 ft., immunity to magic sleep effects, +2 racial bonus to save against Enchantment, low-light vision, weapon proficiency, +2 racial bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot, notice secret doors within 5 feet).

Wizard Spells per Day: 4/6/5/5/5/4/2. Base DC = 15 + spell level. Caster level 12th, 16th against SR. Spells Known: dancing lights*, detect magic*, read magic*, resistance*/enlarge person****, identify*, magic missile, spider climb*/darkness, daylight, flaming sphere*, Gedlee’s electric loop[MoF]*, invisibility, knock, locate object, Melf’s acid arrow*, protection from arrows, rope trick*, understand object[CMDeI], web*/dispel magic, fireball**, fly*, lightning bolt**, magic circle against evil, Mestil’s acid breath[MoF]/arcane eye, charm monster*, dimension door, Evard’s black tentacles*, ice storm*, minor globe of invulnerability*, scrying, wall of fire*/cone of cold, hold monster*, teleport**, wall of force*/chain lightning*, minor globe of psionic invulnerability*/mage’s sword.

Minor Globe of Psionic Invulnerability: treat this spells in all ways as a regular minor globe of invulnerability except that it affects psionics instead of magic.

Signature Possessions [226,151.52+ gp value]: potion of hide from undead, ring of regeneration, scroll (greater heroism), wand of eagle’s splendour [49], wand of arc lighting (5th)(as lightning bolt, but length and width are interchanged and the effect remains a full round) [28], wand of lightning bolt (6th)[40] {loaned to Fenril}, wand of summon monster IV [49], bracers of armour +8, bead of force [2], cloak of elfkind, grey flowing robe, rich gown, baldric, copper-sheathed box, pendant locket, dagger, silver dagger, belt, sling, bullet [26], satchel, purse (110 pp, 21 gp, 4 sp, 12 cp, ring of the ram [45]), spellbooks.

Other People’s Items: ring of protection +2 {Maiuth}, +2 red dragonfang bane (dragon) greatsword {Kayen}, +6 tower shield (hardness 32, hp 260, sv +15){Kayen}. Debt: owe 1,320 gp from party pool.

Cloak of Elfkind: This cloak of neutral grey cloth is indistinguishable from an ordinary cloak of the same colour. However, when worn with the hood drawn up around the head, it transforms the wearer into an elf as per the alter self spell, except that any creature can be affected. Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous item, alter self, creator must be an elf; Price 13,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Spells in Effect: Maiuth’s tattoo thingy (+2 enhancement bonus to Int).

Physical Description: 40 years old, 99 lbs., long white hair, dark purple eyes. Slim, bony figure.

Background: Once a lady of Sembia’s rich-merchant nobility, Taruele was born out of wedlock to a Sembian merchant of importance in Yhaunn. When he died, her otherwise human family promptly drove her out. Narrowly escaping murder at the hands of her brothers, she fled to Highmoon, in Deepingdale, and there she met an elven sorceress, Ilythyrra of Sevenskulls. Taruele bought a place as Ilythyrra’s apprentice and house-girl with the gems she wore, and settled down to a quiet life of studying magic (and occasionally using it to aid the patrols of the Elven Court).

Twenty summers passed, and then came the day Ilythyrra was slain by adventurers seeking magic they could carry off. Taruele, arriving as her mistress died, pursued the bravos and slew them one by one-until, her spells exhausted, she faced and fought the last one barehanded. Their fight was fierce but short: the warrior fell into a ravine and Taruele snatched up a rock and dashed out his brains.

Grimly taking up Ilythyrra’s magic and possessions, Taruele returned to life in Deepingdale only to be found, by chance, by her former family the Taprylorns. Her brothers promptly attacked her, and in the battle that followed, Taruele laid low many of her kin and their servants, but was cornered, wounded, and facing certain death when the fledgling Company of the Catlash came to her rescue. Taking the surname of her mother, Taruele joined them and a life of adventure.

Personality: A singer of great natural (untrained) talent, and a skilled negotiator and diplomat, accomplished at being a “good listener” and putting others at their ease, letting them confide in her. Briefly a lady of the evening (paid escort to dances and feasts) in Selgaunt, she has worked as an herbal healer and nurse to Sembian troops.

Taruele is eager to see the wonders of Myth Drannor (a sacred place to the elves she aided while mastering magic), and is thrilled to have friends and companions, and a rightful place among them. She goes where they go, and does what they do-and in meeting with strangers, is on her guard, but follows the cue of fellow Company members.

Familiar: Raven; Tiny Animal; HD 12; hp 60; Init +2; Spd 10 ft., fly 40 ft.(average); AC 20 (touch 14, flat-footed 18); Att +15 melee (1d2-5/20, claws); SA none; SQ low-light vision; SR 17; AL CG; SV Fort +8/-1, Ref +8/2, Will +9/-1; Str 2, Dex 15, Con 9, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 10; Listen +1/-1, Spot +9/-1; Speak Language (Common), Weapon Finesse. Familiar: Improved Evasion (Ex), Share Spells, Empathic Link (Su), Deliver Touch Spells (Su), Speak with Master (Ex), Speak With Animals of Its Kind (Ex), Spell Resistance (Ex).

Advancement: Epic Spell Penetration, Improved Familiar, Practiced Spellcaster.