SWSC had recieved a submission by shreiker about how
SWSC should go in the future. I would like to thank him for the submission and would like the
league to be involved in the discussion. Everyone is welcome to participate. If you would
like to comment on the matter, please utilise the Pilot Lounge. If you
would like to submit a proposal about the way in which you would like your league be heading towards,
Email me.
However, please bear in mind the following points during the discussion:
SWSC's formation is for the enjoyment of all members.
There would be a variety of views from different members to the matter and this is good. However,
when and if opinions clashes, everyone should keep their cool and sort it out in a civilised manner.
Consensus among pilots is important and Executive Council should have the final say.
SWSC is a 'Regional Grouping', meaning that pilots are preferably grouped according to their location
to achieve best ping time. As such, EC should have the ultimate decision in dictating the final posting of pilots. However, having said that,
squadrons are encouraged to recruit by themselves and any pilots that are posted out of their sqad/wing will
be 'compensated' by another posted into the sqad/wing.
SWSC's established strength dictate that there be only 4 pilots in each squad, and 3 squads, together with a HQ squad, constitue a
wing. The reasons for this has been mentioned. The consequence of this is that formations with more pilots
have to be 'upgraded' to higher formation, eg, Wing. The question here is "How are we going to decide whether the former Squadron Commander
should be promoted to Wing Commander?". We could solve this partly by measuring the ability of the
formation commander in recruiting and keeping thier pilots.
Throughout the discussion, please keep the SWSC's aim and command
structure in mind.
coneboy had also submitted his proposal on 18 July 97.
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 1997 01:44:31
>To: command_centre@hotmail.com
>From: Jason Gill
>Subject: ideas
>I've been making some ideas about that new league that we are
proposing...we are still doing are we? I already have about 15 to 20 people
who are interested.
>My input is as below:
>~Story starts about 10 to 15 years AFTER the fall of the Empire.
>~The Alliance is in control of the Galaxy, holding about 6/10ths of the systems
>~We should have an elite group of bounty hunters who find certain pilots
and join their enemy's side to kill them in engagements. These pilots should
remain anonymous
>~no need for a league chat page because IGZ Australia doesn't have that
many people on it anyway.
>~Well presented but efficient home pages for quick access but user can
choose a more graphical version
>~Need to form rank structures, maps, and fleet structures (just copy other
>~maybe a monetry system so people can get better options in battles (they
can add advanced missiles instead of normal missiles, TA instead of TI....etc)
>Grants will be given to fleets who divide it amongst wings then suads then
to individual pilots.
>~a time scale is needed and should be clearly seen on the main page
>~above all we need an EDGE that will make the an Exciting and appealing RPG
>~certain events should choose which battle is to be fought (eg. ties flying
a combat patrol encounter 2 rebel xwings, if the xwings win, they go on to
find the star destroyer, if they lose the empire counter attacks at their
>I said I wanted to be Imperial and I have a few ideas for it too:
> Call it the New Empire
> Appoint a new Emperor
> have a group(elite squadron) of Dark Jedi whos primary goal is to kill
their opposing group of Jedi, Maybe a fleet's best 5 pilots can be
appointed the status of Jedi.
1.The Squadron Commander of each Squadron is to organise training for each
of their pilots. Where possible these should be multiplayer, however where
not possible, the Squadron Commander should ensure the pilot record is sent
to them by that pilot so as to observe their achievements.
2.The objective is to train each pilot in the characteristics of a
specialised starfighter (both rebel and imperial) and bomber (both rebel
and imperial) that they are familiar and happy with.
3.The Squadron Commander should ensure that a range of craft is supported
by their squadron such that not one craft is the preferred craft of each
pilot. This would enable specialised target assignment for encounters with
other leagues and also against AI opponents.
4.Training shall commence immediately and should continue until such time
that each pilot feels comfortable with their performance, unless the
Squadron Commander believes that the pilot is ready for confrontation with
other leagues (or AI opponents).
5.The Squadron Commander can establish their pilots ability and performance
by sitting in on multiplayer mode for either the same or opposite side and
allowing the AI to take over their craft while observing in map mode. With
each pilot targeted in the map, the Squadron Commander could observe with
either follow target mode on (very good observation of individual
performance) or off (very good for overall teamwork).
6.The ability of pilots to fly in grouped formation, particularly working
together as wingmen is essential and pilots should be trained and
instructed in using keyboard commands to setup wingmen as pre-assigned
targets, and also trained in calling for assistance where and when
7.In the interests of promotion and public relations over the zone and also
in establishing a system of recognition between ranks, would people be
interested in prefixing either SWSC or their Squadron's letters before
their zone username? Keep in mind that this will restrict the space
provided for users names and as such may not be preferable, what are your
thoughts on this?
8.Is the XO to be determined immediately or should this be over a period of
Answer: No. The choice of XO is the commander's decision.