Welcome To

Stilt's Homepage!

Hey! Check it out! You're visitor # (gnad sporkin' counter! it went nutso!) since 1/19/97.

Hey! Welcome to my page! Things are FINALLY up and running smoothly! I just love it when I finally get things right! Well, I hope you enjoy my page, I worked on it all by myself! Hmmm...I wonder if I could make a living offa this...*G* Well, enjoy! *hint hint* SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!! *hint hint* (please?)

Current song playing - "Revolution"


The Beatles

WOW! It's been eons since I've updated this page! But it's good to to do so..FINALLY! *hehehe* Anyhoo, I'm back to Beatles music again! Why? Cuz I'm a Beatles Freak! Along with a TMNT Freak..but, you already knew that..*G*


New Links page!

These are my personal links! The Toitles!
The #TMNT Gallery


Raph's Angelos

Alex Rodriguez!

Well, obviously, as you can see, I've done QUITE a bit of work here! So go check out some KEWL places on my Links page! Also keep in mind that this page is almost CONSTANTLY under construction! It's basically updated every day! So come in and visit a little more often! Ya might be surprised at what ya find! But I had best be shoving off! Now that you've seen the basics of my page, why don't ya drop me a line? Until then..Later!


© 1998

This page was last updated: 1/4/99

Guestbook by Lpage

You say you want a Revolution...

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