Welcome to Ryan's homepage.

 This page is always under construction - reload is a good idea

This page is dedicated to the things I like. Such as games, music, television, movies, and other hobbies. More than anything this is going to be a Warhammer site, with information about each army, news, tactics, ect. However, I will include links to other various sites that may be of interest.

Links (what else?) :

Warhammer Fantasy Battle - the awesome strategy game by Games Workshop

Highlander - my favorite tv show and movies

Metallica - the band as far as I am concerned (construction)

Smashing Pumpkins - a close runner-up to Metallica (construction)

Spawn - the best comic book, and soon to be movie

Computer Games - collection of computer games I like (construction)

Star Trek  - some of the best tv shows and movies, no I'm not a trekkie (construction)

Search Engines - link up with all the search engines I use on the internet

Various Links - other assorted links

Guestbook shit:

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people have visited my site since July 15, 1997.