Crack Challenge

Ok. This page I started up because there were some game originals that I had lying around that I haven't seen cracked versions of. In the course of making this CD, It's a bit hard to have or convert these games to D64 format (it's also clumsy). The only way they can be spread as original in a C64 format currently is by 6-packing the ware, because originally they would have had to be nibbled. I hear that 64-COPY, the IBM program, can extract these packed files. I've decided to 6-pack these troublesome originals and post them here so that somebody, presumably oldie-crackers, can crack them and spread them for the whole 64 community to enjoy.

If you need a 6-packer/unpacker. I have it Here. The program needs to run on an original 64 or an emulator. Note that I have 6-packed these following ories without using Zip-DOS write, but yes for extended tracks.

Thanks to M.Brenner who went and cracked the World's greatest football game and whacked it on a G64. I have a 6packed working copy of this one now.

Risk card game (Joker software) - Download here - This is not the RISK board game that has already been released ages ago (and cracked by IKARI), or the RISK (NTSC) game that Chromance did a while back. This game is different. This game's protection is quite good, but by no means impossible to smash. Take a look at tracks 30-35 with a disk editor, you'll see that they anticipated some cracking! They've done some tricky stuff, like writing the boot file onto the directory track of the disk.

Crystal Fever - Download here - I haven't seen a cracked version of this game anywhere. It's a brilliant boulderdash clone, arguably the best and perhaps better than the original it was cloned from. Sorry but I took this original from one of my C64 friends and the game writes names to the disk (S**T), so some names are on the High score lists (should be removed easily, I think, with a bit of hacking). This game also needs a 101% bugfixing. The game won't let you go through yellow doors even with the yellow key in game mode, but it will let you in level testing. Also on the disk are "Tower of Terror" and "Gordian Tomb", but these have been cracked ages ago.


This disk image is for re-crackers only

These games are not originals, but let's face it, you probably aren't going to find the originals of these games these days. So why not fix them so that they work properly? That way, everyone can enjoy them.

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