Game Page

Here's where you can come to have a little fun. On this page, I'll be posting a few game images for you to play on a C64.

To begin things, I've decided to place some of the strangest games for the Commodore 64 here. Whilst the C64 was a computer limited in many ways, the programmers had to be make a good game out of the available space. So whilst the computer was limited, the programmers imagination wasn't. These games are a tribute to the imagination of the C64 programmer.

The Sentinel

The Sentinel - 10,000 levels of 3D landscapes

DOWNLOAD Weird Games #1

DOWNLOAD Weird Games #2

DOWNLOAD Weird Games #3

DOWNLOAD Weird games #5

Ah! A new disk image for my page at last!



This game is quite bizarre. You are this being capable of morphing into a land speeder, airplane, and at the end of each level, your human alter-ego. You have to complete the levels that your elders have constructed for you to test your morphing skills. You must collect ammunition packs along the way to the end of the level, where you must shoot at the guardian. Before you get there you'll have to dodge all sorts of inexplicable objects, like a flying moustache, huge bats, and alien heads amongst other things. This game is also highly absorbing. Get to the end of the last level and destroy the..... no, I'll let you find that out!

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