Pirate Lingo
- ACCOUNT, TO GO ON THE: to embark on a piratical cruise
- ACTS OF PARDON OR GRACE: general amnesty under which a
reformed pirate might surrender in return for a certificate of pardon
- BALLAST: heavy material used to stabilize rying cargo
- BARKADEER: a small pier or jetty vessel
- BARQUE: a sailing ship of three or more masts having the foremasts
rigged square and the aftermast rigged for fore and aft
- BILGED ON HER ANCHOR: a ship holed or pierced by its own anchor
- BOOMS OR FENDERS: spars to which a sail is fastened to control its
position relative to the wind
- BOOT-TOPPING: a hurried, partial careen
- BOWSPRIT: a spar projecting from the bow of a vessel used to carry
the headstay as far forward as possible
- BRIG, BRIGANTINE: a two-masted sailing ship, rigged square on the
foremast and fore and aft with square topsails on the mainmast
- BROUGHT A SPRING UPON HER CABLE: came round in a different
- BRULOT (FRENCH): a fireship
- BUCCANEERS: the original "cow killers" who settled illegally on
Hispaniola. The name derives from their method of smoke-curing meat
on a boucan. Later, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, they
took to sea and preyed on Spanish colonies and shipping in America and
the Caribbean.
- CAPSTAN: a windlass with a vertical drum, used for hauling in ropes,
- CAREEN: to cause a vessel to keel over on its side in order to clean or repair
its bottom
- CAREENAGE: a careening place
- CHASE GUNS: cannon situated at the bow of a ship, used during pursuit
- CHEQUEEN: sequin, a former Venetian gold coin
- CLAPINIRONS: to chain
- CRIMP: a person who swindled or press ganged sailors
- DORY: a fisherman's dugout
- DOUBLOON: a former Spanish gold coin
- DROGER: a West Indian coasting vessel
- EXECUTION DOCK: the usual place for pirate hangings, on the Thames, in
London near the Tower
- FIRESHIP: a vessel loaded with explosives and used as a bomb by igniting
it and directing it to drift among an enemy's warships
- FLOTILLA: a small fleet
- FLnNGJ}B: the jib furthest forward on a vessel with two or more jibs
- FREEBOOTER OR FILIBUSTER: another name for a buccaneer or pirate
- GALLEON: a large sailing ship having three or more masts, lateen-rigged on
the aftermasts and square-rigged on the fore and mainmasts; used as
a warship or for trade
- GALLEY: a low, flat-built vessel, propelled partly or wholly by oars
- GIBBET: a wooden structure resembling a gallows from which bodies of
executed criminals were hung for public view
- GRAPPLE OR GRAPNEL: a hooked instrument thrown with a rope for
gripping and closing with an enemy
- GRENADE: these were made from square-faced case bottles, filled with
gunpowder, small shot, bits of old iron thrown by hand
- GUARDA COSTA: a vessel fitted out in Spanish or colonial ports and
commissioned by local governors to enforce Spain's trade monopoly
- GUINEAMAN: a ship engaged in the slave trade in the Guinea Coast of
West Africa
- HEAVE DOWN, TO: to turn a vessel on its side for cleaning
- HOGSHEAD: a large cask used mainly for shipment of wines and spirits
- INTERLOPER: an illegal trader
- JACK: a flag, especially one flown at the bow of a ship to indicate her
- JOLLY ROGER: the pirate flag
- LARBOARD: the left (or port) side of a vessel when facing the bow
- LETTERS OF MARQUE OR REPRISAL: commissions or licenses to fit out
armed vessels to be employed in the capture of enemy merchant shipping
and to commit other hostile acts that would otherwise be condemned as
- MAINSHEET: the line used to control the angle of the mainsail to
the wind
- MAN-OF-WAR: a warship
- MAROON, TO: to put ashore and abandon a person on a barren island
or cay
- MAROONERS: a name sometimes given to pirates because of their use of
marooning as a form of punishment
- MOIDORE: a former Portuguese gold coin
- PATARERO: a kind of muzzle-loading mortar that fired scattering shot,
stones, spikes, old nails, broken glass, etc.
- PIECE OF EIGHT: a former Spanish coin
- PINNACE: any of various kinds of ship's tender
- PIRAGUA: a type of native dugout canoe
- PRESS(OR FORCE): to recruit for naval or military service by forcible
- PRIVATEER: a privately owned, armed vessel operating under letters Or
- QUARTER: mercy shown to a defeated opponent. Also a ship's quarter
is that part of a vessel's side towards the stern, usually aft of the
aftermost mast.
- ROAD: a partly sheltered anchorage
- SALMAGUNDI: a dish of chopped meat, eggs, anchovies, onions, etc.; a
pirate favorite
- SCHOONER: a sailing vessel with at least two masts with all lower sails rigged
fore and aft
- SEA ARTIST: sailing master
- SLOOP: a single-masted vessel rigged fore and aft with a long bowsprit,
much favored by the pirates because of its shallow draught and
- SMACK: a sailing vessel usually sloop-rigged, used in coasting or
- SNOW: a small sailing vessel, resembling a brig, carrying a main and
foremast and a supplementary trysail mast close behind the mainmast
- SPANISH MAIN: the mainland of Spanish America, from the Isthmus of
Panama to the present republics of Colombia and Venezuela
- SPIKE(GUNS): to render a gun useless by blocking the vent or touch hole
with a spike, often a soft nail
- SPRITSAILYARD: a yard set on the underside of the bowsprit, to carry a
- STARBOARD: the right side of a vessel when facing the bow
- STRIKE(COLORS): to haul down a ship's flag as a signal of surrender
- SWEET TRADE: buccaneering or piracy
- SWIVEL (GUN): a gun mounted on a pivot so that it might be swung from
side to side
- TENDER: a small boat, towed or carried by a ship
- VICE-ADMIRALTY COURTS: courts established in the British colonies for
trial and decision of maritime questions and offenses
- WALK THE PLANK: a method of disposing of prisoners at sea; popular
belief to the contrary it was not a usual practice among pirates
- WARP: to move a vessel by hauling on a rope fixed to a stationary
object ashore
- WEIGH: to raise a vessel's anchor in preparation for departure
- WHERRY: a light rowing boat, used in inland waters and harbors
- YARDS: the spars slung from the masts of a square-rigged vessel and
used for suspending sails