1. Sheep Mate 2. Top cat 3. Coke 4. Buttons 1. Sheep Mate To turn off the sheep double left click them to bring up a menu and hit the remove button. G-Force is gavity on/off(on is checked and off is uncheck), Sound on/off, Alarm on/off, No Sleep it will not sleep on/off. The fast way to turn the sheep off is to double right click them. 2. Top Cat There are two programs: CAT! runs on the desktop TopCAT! runs on the top window To turn both off go to your Win9x bar at the buttom of the sceen and right click and hit the exit button. 3. Coke It will tell you itself. 4. The buttons This the fast way to do it. To turn off go to your Win9x bar at the buttom of the sceen and right click and hit the exit button.