Simulated Destruction!
Wicked Gameplay - Literally!
Don't just kill, possess!
Multi-angle decorations
Unique style
Multiplayer Mayhem
Mega action
Smooth, realistic FX!
Dark Servants!
It's the prequel to DOOM!


Current Version - Beta
Last Update - 17 Oct 03

B4DooM Uploaded

OCTOBER 17TH, 2003

- Download and play right now!

- New to this edition;


Soulsphere included as a collectable item when marines lose their souls upon being shot (ie. dropped weapons)

Damage radius around lightning and burning bodies

Awesome explosions, fire, sparks and electricity - all smoothly animated with additive antialiasing, even with software rendering!

Marines play dead when injured, then get up and attack you again
Changed ammo and health counts upon item pickups

PlasmaGunner now shoots plasma streams


Teleports sometimes spawn lost souls, adding to the realism of haywire UAC SlipGates teleporting stuff across both space and infra dimensions!

Added skyboxes and made some general improvements to B4DooM Deluxe, such as enemy routes and new enemies.
Could the game get any more hectic? Of course you realise that all this means WAR!!

All New Character


- The Chaingun Sargeant was originally replaced with Machine Gun Turrets in B4DooM, but didn't look good in some levels hanging in the sky. The turrets will still be in B4DooM Deluxe, but now there is an all new character for B4DooM. Its the unpossessed Chaingun Sargeant (of course!).

General Improvements


- Music by IMP remastering, new graphics, changes to pickup amounts, etc. The coolest change however is this gameplay feature; now when you possess a marine you take his soul and convert it randomly into a weapon or etheric ammunition. If you're lucky you can get the best weapons as soon as you start playing!

Programmers Wanted

JUNE 6TH, 2003

- This is a call for anyone familiar with the Doom engine. B4DooM is missing one cruicial element in its gameplay. When a marine is possessed into a zombie or whatever, he stands around doing nothing. What really needs to happen is that zombie must then go around killing other marines. This creates a war and not just a one man army. So if you can do this or know of someone that already has, let me know! Email:

General Improvements

MARCH 1ST, 2003

- B4DooM has been going through some general polishing and bugfixes over the year. The zdoom engine has also been going through the same thing. You can find the latest version here or in the downloads section.

Music by IMP Bonus

APRIL 8TH, 2002

- Download our very own Music by IMP .xm quality music patch and get an awesome Flame Caster Patch! It rocks! [Screenshot]

- B4DooM has again been updated in the following areas;

Improved SDE™
IMProved IMP Music

Even faster and far more furious gameplay - Music by IMP users only!

New graphics, FX, sounds, and newly designed logos etc.
NEW! Cameras! Cinematic and Security Cameras

NEW! Additive Anti-Aliasing! Makes B4DooM's SFX look like they are running in OpenGL on any video card! [Screenshot]


Improved time line - B4DooM enhanced Z-Levels revert during the game to their original DooM state.

Updates and Enhancements

MARCH 8TH, 2002

- B4DooM has been updated and enhanced in the following areas;


SDE™ - Simulated Destructable Environments (cracked walls, fire & smoke left behind after explosions, etc.)

IMProved IMP Music
Shootable corpses and hanging bodies
New "monsters" - enemy marines now carry a host of new weapons
Faster and far more furious gameplay - no more pussyfooting around!

Improved "BFG" - more accurate, creates new deadly mushroom cloud explosions on side hits...


The mancubus is your Dark Servant in level 8 = very cool to see him blow everyone away for you!


New stealth "ArchVile" - a Demon Sorcerer that appears only when casting down lightning apon you


New graphics, FX, splashes, splash sounds, and newly designed logos etc.

You are now strong enough to push your enemies out of the way

A DooM First! Multiple dying angles (ie. not just facing you) + multiple ammo and scenery angles

Many many general graphics improvements.

Welcome to the New Site


- B4DooM is now a project of Indigo Rain Development, a multimedia company founded by Chris Syrimes. Indigo Rain operate on a sub contractor basis for multimedia projects and is gathering a force of talent to develop B4DooM and ZeroHour. These powers combined will make B4DooM on GameBoy Advance possible.

New! New! New!

JUNE 25TH, 2001

- It's been a while but EVERYTHING has been updated, improved, optimised, enhanced - the works. New music, new sounds, better graphics, new menu/ file system, everything is miles better than B4.


JUNE 20TH, 2001

- Well the site has finally been fixed up a little. Everything is far more direct now, including the downloads. The reason for being lead around B4 was I had counters on every page and I wanted to see who was getting what. The file has now been cut down by over 2Mb allowing far quicker downloads.

- New additions to B4DooM include 2 new music wads. One contains music from Unreal and the other music from Mortal Kombat Trilogy! Find them in the downloads section!

Details and Decals

JUNE 15TH, 2001

- Email-

- There is also a new version of Zdoom which has some pretty cool new features, amoung them is the ability to fly and leave marks on the walls. I uploaded zdoom with some chages made to it to suit B4DooM more. Download it by clicking here. Just unzip it into your B4DooM directory, overwriting the older version of zdoom.

B4DooM in TOP 10 !!!

JUNE 14TH, 2001

- I know it has been very long time since I have done anything with B4DooM but with the new versions of zdoom/gl there really isn't much to do. I have been working on music for ZeroHour so I will convert it over to B4DooM. Everything else is minor really, the improved DooM engines are doing everything I wanted to do for B4DooM so download them and enjoy.

- Anyway, more importantly, I have noticed links to the B4DooM zip file and not this page itself. Please, if you are one of these people - change your links. I have lost track of people downloading it but apparently (according to "Statystyki dla" B4DooM IS #7 IN THE TOP 10 OF 3775 Total URL's relating to DooM!


Last update 17.10.03
Site updated 14.10.03

COPYRIGHT © 1999 - 2003
Concept, design, and music; IR Development


Use of assets from Hexen™ are copyright by Raven Software and used with permission.
Copyright permission has been obtained from ALL 3rd parties involved in B4DooM.