In the attempt to create a robot, the I.C.E. corp. created a PA that is assisted with a dumb AI. The AI is hooked up to the targeting computer and Weapons system, thus making the PA more acute. It can also assist in navigation. The AI is housed directly behind the Pilot's compartment, it is rigged to blow if the PA has self-destruct. The PA itself is made of the same material as the famous GB's but it has a major difference. The reflective armor can change how it bends light so that even a Variable frequency laser weapon still does half-damage. The pilot can control this or it can be controlled by the AI. After the Armor is hit it will automatically change the light frequency to a different setting. Thus making any laser weapon do only half damage.

Model Type: AIPA-251A
Class: Laser resistant, artificial intelligent assisted PA.
Crew: One plus the AI
M.D.C by Location:
*Head - 150
Upper Arms (2) - 100 each
Vibro Saber (Lower Left Arm) - 125
Grappling hook and line (Lower Right Arm) - 125
Dual Variable Frequency Laser Turret (2; Shoulder) - 100 each
Main Rear Jets (Detachable) - 100
*Leg thrusters ( 6) - 50 each
Legs (2) - 150 each
Particle Beam Cannon(2; left and right waist) - 200 each
Wings(2; Detachable, can also act as a Sword) - 150 each
Large Vibro Sword - 100
Super Force Field - 450
**Main Body - 450
Those marked with * are difficult targets, can only be made with a called
shot and then the attacker are -3 to strike.
**depleting the Main Body will shut down the PA and activate the self-destruct.
    Self-destructs in 1D4 melees.
Running: 75 MPH is the max. The act of running will tire out the pilot.
Leaping: The PA can leap 15ft up and across. Thruster assisted jumps will hurl the PA 
60ft up or across.
Flying: It can only fly with the help of the Jets and wings. 250 MPH Max, Cruising
75 MPH. Can gain an altitude of 750 ft.
Statistical Data:
Height: 10 ft 5in from head to toe, wings on add an extra 1 ft 5in
Width: 6ft wings down. Wings up 16ft.
Length: 6ft 5in
Weight: 2 tons fully loaded.
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. of 40
Cargo: Minimal storage, first AID kit, clothes, 1 riffle and gun.
Power System: Nuclear; an average life of 20 years.
Black Market Cost: 45 million, for an undamaged, fully loaded, complete with AI intact.
Very rare, it is only available in Alaska.
Weapons Systems
1. VS-25 Vibro Saber: After the company emerged into this new world, they found 
     this weapon to be useful. This is a standard short sword that is housed in the left arm.
     It is retractable and used for close combat.
     Mega-Damage: 2D6 + PS
     Range: Hand to hand combat.
2. Grappling Hook and Line: the Hook and line is housed in the right arm. Its housing
     looks just like that of the Vibro Saber. It is used to grab or attach itself onto rocks and
     Mega-Damage: None
     Range: 200 Ft. of light weight wire(retractable).
3. VFLT-35C Dual Variable Frequency Laser Turret: The turrets can rotate
     270 degrees and shoot at an angle of 90 degrees. It is mounted on both shoulders.
     These turrets are controlled by the AI but the pilot can fire it if s/he wants to but no
     bonus is applied. 
     Primary Purpose: Anti-Laser resistant armor, anti-armor
     Secondary Purpose: Anti-missle, defense
     Mega-Damage: 4D6 for a single turret or 4D10 for both turrets aimed at the same 
     Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks.
     Effective Range: 1000 ft.
     Payload: Unlimited.
     AI Bonus: If the turrets are controlled by the AI then it is a +3 to strike.
4. PBC-35C Waist mounted Particle Beam Cannon: The cannons are made so
     that when it is not in use, it swings down to the side of the PA. It can rotate 360 
     degrees in any direction. the cannon has little to no recoil so the leg thrusters are put
     on a slow burn when the cannon goes off. The cannon can be taken off of the AI's
     control but then no bonus is applied.
     Primary Purpose: Assault
     Secondary Purpose: Anti-missle, defense
     Mega-Damage: 2D10 per cannon or a dual shoot 4D6*10.
     Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks.
     Effective Range: About 1 1/2 miles.
     Payload: 20 shoots per cannon, but the cannon can recharge 2 shots per melee.
     AI Bonus: +4 to strike.
5. Optional Hand-held weapons: the PA can use any kind of weapon except Pistols and
     revolver. It can uses any other equipment.
6. Wings: The edge of the wings are sharp so it can act as a sword.
     Mega-Damage: None. 4D6 SDC + PS
     Effective Range: Hand to hand combat.
7. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather then to use weapons, the PA can do hand to hand
     combat. See Robot Combat Elite for MD. The PA also gets a +2 to strike, parry and 
     dodge, and a +1 to initiative. +4 to roll, very shock resistant.
8. Senors: The PA has all senors including sonar and Proximity Senors. It has full
     optical systems and all combat computers.
9. AI: The artificial Intelligent computer housed in back of the Pilot is made of the same
     material as A.R.C.H.I.E. But with one difference. it can not think on its own. Thus 
     it needs the pilot to control the PA. The way it works is that you will tell it what
     target to hit and it will hit it with both of what ever it is firing(i.e. Pilot "Shoot the 
     Dyna-Max" AI "Roger"..the AI aims both Cannons at the Dyna-Max and shoots both
     Cannons.) It can also help with navigation thus adding a +10% to all navigation skills.