There are numerous hiking areas within a 75 minute drive from New York City. Over the
years I have hiked most of these areas from the popular Harriman Bear Mountain State Park
to lesser known areas such as the Teatown Preserve. There is no reason for me to describe
these trails. Details can be found in the books and web sites listed below.
One of the newest hiking areas of the 21st century is the
For hiking information in the New York metropolitan area check out the local chapter of the
The most complete guide to all trails in the area is found in
Among this organization's functions:
1. Maintaining trails in the region
2. Providing excellent waterproof/tearproof maps
3. Hiking guides and books
4. A clearing house for infomation about the trails (including up to the minute trail
closings during last summer's drought)
5. An excellent web site!!
6. A new Trail Office in Mahwah, NJ (near the NY State border)
replacing the midtown Manhattan office.
There is an extensive network of trails on Long Island. Considering the density of the
population I find this quite an accomplishment.
However, there is a website for
The Appalachian Trail is a continuous footpath from Maine to Georgia. The trail crosses
To find information about hiking trails anywhere in the United States contact the
The Sierra Club is primarily concerned with the preservation of the natural environment.
Finally a reminder that you should always take a trail map when you go hiking.
If you have any suggestions or comments contact me
many mountain peaks in the Eastern United States in its journey of more than 2000 miles.
The best source of information for this famous trail is the
The map below is taken form the Pacific Crest Trail Association website
Click the map or the table below for these trail web sites
1. Appalachian Trail
2. Pacific Crest Trail
3. Continental Divide Trail
4. North Country Trail
5. Ice Age Trail
6. Potomac Heritage Trail
7. Natchez Trace Trail
8. Florida Trail
However, they also sponsor hikes and maintain hiking trails.
If your map gets torn you should be able to put it back together again.
Your mouse can move sections of the map.