Who am I? guess!
Just kidding. My real name is not posted here, cuz I dunno who may drop in. If you already know me, you know what it is. Or don't care. So, we'll just bypass that crap, and get to what makes me tick. You know, things like bombs, wind up clocks, or rolling in fallen leaves all day during the summer..
Umm.. lets forget the ticks and get on to what my life is all about, shall we?
Basically, my life revolves around 4 things..family, friends, work, and computers.
Let's look into each a little shall we?
My father is by far the greatest man I know.
My mother is as nice as she can be.
They are divorced, have been since I was a tiny munchkin, that's for the best.
Each is remarried, and my stepmother was a key player in my upbringing.
I got brothers, sisters, cousins, etc...
Big family, I'm the youngest/smallest/weakest/ugliest of my generation.
No big whoop. I got the brain. Pressing on...
Ok, my friends.. hell, I could go on for days... Ok, I'll do that, but on another page.
Well, that said, let's press on..
What can I say about my job? Lets start at the beginning, ok? I was a Staff Seargent in the US Air Force, and seperated after serving for 10 years. The Air Force taught me my trade, let me see places I never dreamed I'd see, and so on. I'll do another page and flesh that out later.
What can I say about computers? Hmm.. computers are responsible for the majority of my friendships, as well as being my favourite toys and the tools of my trade. Lucky me.
I've geeked out in so many ways... built a home network, just to do it, then immediately converted it to a game network. I'm always changing stuff. (I'll throw up details on my network on another page later.) I'm not very nice to my boxes tho.. I still have MykroSloth puke on most of them.. (WinBlows..unfortunately..is what most of my games are written for, as well as the platform my job is based on. I know, they've ported most cool games to Linux already, and emulators exist to let Windows run the ones that aren't ported.. but I'm too damn lazy to configure all the strange mixtures of crap I got for Linux, much less research all the drivers. )