C4 (spoken "Zephyr")

by Juri Memmert
Updated: September, 18th, 1997

Hello everybody, to Master C4's little show of Magic !
I am C4, Master of Illusions and strawberry pies!

Should you want to know something more about my kin, and how we look like, then take a look at Ambers Dragon Lair, the site with the most and the most beautiful dragons on the internet.

We have gathered here to shed a little light on the matter of Illusions in this world.
In my long and illustrious life, I have encountered many people, some good, some bad, and had a lot of opportunities to observe the effect of illusions on others.
I wish to share these events with you, rejoycing in them by telling them to you. Maybe, my tales shed another light on the, oh so neglected, Art of Illusion Weaving.

But first !!! STRAWBERRY PIE !!!
[A couple of strawberry pies appear out of thin air, dance around the audience. They then disappear in the (suddenly much larger) mouth of C4]

Ah, that's better. Now to something completely different:
Here's what I.C.E. says concerning illusions.
This text covers some House Rules concerning this topic.
Both articles were copied from The House of Rules reformated and edited to fit my layout.

Now, to what I have to say about illusions:
  1. They are FUN !!!
  2. They are the best means to lighten up a perfectly boring day [look around you and see, what I call to light up the day...]

I think, I'll add some examples, what illusions can do to a man / woman / whatever:
  • Once [about 2 weeks ago], I happened to visit a Kuor priest in a nearby village.
    That boring old man sat in his study, his bald head bent over an old tome, the last remeining hairs cascading down over his forehead to partially obstruct his vision.
    I said: "Hello, Potbelly [which is of course not his real name, I call him thus, out of obvious reasons], what are you doing here, sitting around ? Isn't it time for your training, shouldn't you run around, to loose some of that heavy body-armor, you are carrying around with you ?"
    And what so you think happened then ?
    NOTHING !!! He simply ignored me ! That must not be, he can't ... I mean, where's the fun in life, if you can't insult a friend (at least a little bit) !
    That called for extreme measures.
    I flew to a silent corner and started preparing some spells.
    Now let's see ... An illusionanry White Lady, semi-translucent, and really looking like a ghost, reading one of his prized books, that should do it.
    A simple Waiting Phantasm II with a Feel Mirage to hold the book and a Sound Mirage to make ol' Potbelly hear the ghost taking the book were all I needed. A Feel Mirage stored in my earring should come in handy as well.

    The priest looked up from his tome, only to see a ghostly apparition read his books. Totally taken by surprise, he stammered a Repel Undead V spell, which, of course, had no effect.
    Frantic, the priest took a scroll of Repel Undead X from his scrollcase, shouting the words in feverent prayer.
    Nothing !
    By now, I had told the illusion to turn her head, look at him and shake it in silent reproach. I sent a Feel Mirage of cold air around Potbelly.
    Chanting a prayer of Blessing, that dumb ox took up his mace to smash the Undead to tiny bits and pieces.
    Since I did not incorporate a Feel Mirage into the Phantasm, his mighty blow went right through the illusion, overbalancing him terribly and flipping him upsied-down against the wall.
    By now, I could not contain my laughter any longer and made the illusion disappear.
    When Potbelly - finally - regained his composure (after two or three hours of chasing me through the heath), I invited him to a mug of Ale and we made peace, until the next prank.

There's more to come!

Please send me a messenger pigeon.

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