The Tamao was made by Bandai in limited numbers that were available for reserve only beginning on March 15, 1998 with the delivery date set for April 15, 1998. The case is traditional tam egg shape in light pink with purple border and red buttons, and is adorned with white flowers. "TamaOtch" is printed across the top.

Tamaotch was made by Bandai for Tamao Nakamura, who has been a famous personality in Japan for many years. Her name sounds like Tamagotch and has been a joke with Tamao for some time, so Bandai made the Tamaotch.

Though I would not recommend opening Tamao packages, I have included some gameplay info. When you begin, you choose between 3 different eggs.

The status meter is identical to tamagotchi.
She eats a bowl of rice for her meal, and Oden for a snack.
There are 2 games; a slot game which is almost impossible and a "lesson" which is somewhat confusing. In each "routine" you are able to push A or B 3 times to perform different moves. She will then repeat the sequence and is either happy or sad.
Sing and Dance Practice
This is the Discipline icon.
Tamao will constantly beep and flash Japanese words, even with full meters. The Tamao is definately better to look at than play. Nevertheless, here is the official Bandai Growthchart.