Bio F.R.E.A.K.S.
Creation Date
To see what date your copy of BioFreaks was made on, press left c a few times right after you turn your console on. Someone will laugh if you do it correctly.
One hit kills/fatalities
T= press the direction towards your opponent
A= press the direction away from your opponent
MinaTek: Headspit T-A-LP+LK (close)
ZipperHead: Buzzcut: T-A-A+RK (close once opponents arms are gone)
Ssapo: Headevour: T-A-A+RP+RK (close)
PsyClown: Cut in half: T-A-A+LP+LK (close)
Sabotage: Decapiblast: T-A-A+RP (1-3 steps away once opponents arms are gone)
BullzEye: Backhandecap: T-A-A+RP (close)
Delta: TorsoShears: T-A-A+LK (close)
Purge: Mutilator: A-T-T+RP+RK
Pause Screen Saver
Pause the game and let it sit for a few minutes. A screen-saver will pop up with the words "Game Paused" and flashing lights.
Press LP+RK simultaneously.
First Person Fight View
Hold left on the digital pad and press start. To switch back, hold down on the digital pad and press start.