Aamanian Flagellant

Homeland: Aaman

"Aa's gaze is unblinking!"<crack!>"Aa is Omniscient!"<crack!>"Aa's gaze is unblinking!"

Aa is a stern master with no time for the weak, the deviants, and the sinners. You have devoted yourself to Him with righteous and fervent zeal, His lessons taught unto you since you were a mewling babe. As you grew up you embraced Aa's doctrine ever more tightly, and became appalled at the weakness of your fellow Aamanians, for surely they must be sinful and vile if their fervor does not equal your own! You fasted constantly, offering everything you had to Aa, preaching His doctrine with furor, leaving your throat raw, embracing the pain you inflicted on yourself as a symbol of utter devotion. You saw weakness everywhere; even your parents and siblings were not above suspicion. When finally you madly assaulted one of the weak fools, members of the clergy arrived, and dragged you screaming and ranting to the Flagellant Monastery of Aalm. There you met others of fervor and conviction such as yours; a place where anything less than utter zeal would not be tolerated. Constant repetitions of Orthodoxist slogans keep your mind focused, and constant flagellation and discomfort purify the body. As a member of the Order of Flagellants, you have found a home.

Physical Characteristics: 5'6"-6', 80-160 lbs. Copper skin, gaunt features, manic gaze, dark green eyes, all facial and bodily hair removed, self-inflicted scars.

WIL +4
CHA -2
CON +1
CR +1
MR +1
HP 20

Ritual Flail +2
Invocation -
One Mode of choice +2
Doctrines - Orthodoxy +5
Oratory +1
Coerce +2
Torture (self) +3
High Talislan, native dialect

Equipment: Ritual flail (a 3' braided leather whip with a small iron ball on the tip. DR 1 if used with force on bare flesh), scratchy rough linen robe, iron holy symbol of Aa (lacquered white), self-infliction devices (such as a belt with barbs on the inside, sandals with uncomfortable scrupulum sewn onto the sole, etc.).

Wealth: None; the Order of Flagellants clothes and feeds its servants. 1