Aamanian Iconographer

Homeland: Aaman

"I consecrate this iron in Aa's name, for no metal is stronger than The Omniscient's will."

You are an artisan-priest, an iconographer. As a member of the Order of Icons, you work with devotion, crafting the Orthodoxist cult's blessed holy symbols at the Ironworks of Aabaal, never once deviating from the traditional designs and forms. It is your Aa-given strength that pounds iron into submission, allowing it to be crafted into the righteous weapons and armor worn by Aa's holy knights, the symbols born by all Aamanians; your strength that carves stone or wood, creating cult-approved objects of devotion. As Aa forges His devoted followers, you forge in His name for the benefit of His people. Every icon crafted, every blade sharpened, is an offering to Aa. The greatest of moments are those when you are instructed to invoke the very power of Aa into the objects you craft, creating artifacts woven with the divinity of Aa's boundless power. You toil over these most holy of items ceaselessly with your brethren until the artifacts are completed, blessed, and cleansed, ready to be used in Aa's name.

Physical Characteristics: 5'6"-6', 100-180 lbs. Copper skin, sculpted features, dark green eyes, all facial and bodily hair removed.

INT +1
WIL +2
STR +1
CR 0
MR +1
HP 20

Invocation -
Two Modes of choice +4
Enchantment +4
Doctrines - Orthodoxy +3
Armorer, Artificer, or Weaponer (one of choice) +5
High Talislan, native dialect

Equipment: Heavy white robe, thick white leather apron, heavy white leather gloves and boots, iron-bound spell book, iron holy symbol of Aa (lacquered white), appropriate tools.

Wealth: 10 gold lumens; the Order of Icons clothes and feeds its servants. 1