Welcome to the Codex of the Moons, an unofficial website dedicated to the 10th Anniversary Edition of Talislanta. Talislanta is a unique and colourful fantasy rpg, with a simple, smooth and quick-to-use system. You won't find any of the hackneyed dwarves, elves, real-world flora and fauna, etc. that populate nearly every other cliche-ridden rpg out there. If the idea of playing a tattooed albino warrior or green-skinned arch-mage intrigue you, maybe you should give Talislanta a look. Check out the PDF Sampler on the Official Talislanta Website for a good taste of the setting and rules. Talislanta has even recieved praise from such esteemed individuals as Stewart Wieck (White Wolf), Jim Bambra (Dragon Magazine), and even the great author, Jack Vance himself. Don't believe me? Check out the reviews on the Official Talislanta Website.
Were you aware there is a thriving Talislanta mailing list?
You can join it by sending an e-mail going to: ONELIST.
Website Overview
Each of the coloured buttons represents one of the seven moons
that orbit the world of Archaeus (the world of Talislanta), and
covers files loosely affiliated with its sphere of influence.
The Purple Moon (Ardan)
Ardan is the moon of passion and romance. It links to files pertaining
to romance, cross-breed characters, etc.
The Amber Moon (Drome)
Drome is the moon of conjuration and magic. It links to files
including new magical orders, magic rules, and magical artefacts.
The Crimson Moon (Jhang)
Jhang is the moon of war and conflict. It links to files featuring
new combat rules, weapons and armour, and notes on cultural war-strategies.
The Blue Moon (Laeolis)
Laeolis is the moon of sorrow and loss. It links to all the other
Talislanta websites (because it is sad when people leave).
The Green Moon (Phandir)
Phandir is the moon of mystery and destiny. It links to files
containing adventures, adventure seeds, and NPCs.
The Silver Moon (Talisandre)
Talisandre is the moon of capricious fortune (and therefore of
life). It links to new archetypes, cultural files,. flora and
The Black Moon (Zar)
Zar is the moon of death. Death and decay eventually consume everything,
so this page links to 'everything' not covered elsewhere, including
fan fiction, artwork, and interviews.
The Grimoire and Quill
This animated image simply allows you to send me an e-mail.
Thankyou for your time and attention, and I hope you enjoy the page.
Colin 'Psychedelic Goblin' Chapman