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"Welcome to SupaTrunkz's Dragonball Z VHS Movie Home©. I am here to provide high quality copies of all 13 DBZ movies and the TV Specials. I also provide overviews of the movies and the specials and my personal reviews to help you to decide what movies you would like to purchase. Go to the oder section below to get the Prices and info on the movies and how to order. Thanx for stopping by the site."
Kelly Dykes, Owner of Site.

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The Winner!!!!
The Finals of the 3rd annual DBZ tournament are over! Yes I know it took a while to get to this point but hey it's worth it right. Now finally the moment you all been waiting for. And the winner isssss......da da da VEGETUNKS created by Brandon Stone. Congratulations man you just won all 13 of the DBZ movies and the two specials!!! Don't you feel special?!?! errr....maybe not but hell you won didnt ya? The second place combatant was Pyskron created by Paul Wetson who gets to choose a movie or special for coming in second. It's kinda sad that it's over huh? NO! lol I got tired of updating everyday hehe. Anywho I'll leave the pages for the tournament up because they still look pretty cool, but look for the next DBZ tournament coming soon....and hey next time the prize will be all the episodes! So stayed tuned! Also please support me and buy these movies!!!! hehe business is REALLY slow lately. Oh yeah and I would like to give a special shout out to a realllllllly sexxy girl I know. Hey Jen Jen!!! Teehee! =)

SupaTrunkz's DBZ VHS Movies 2000©